Thursday, December 30, 2010

Flip Flop Control Yugioh

New year, new life

Great expectations for 2011, after the publication of the calendar. Certainly for me it will be another year ...

Tomorrow is the last year, earned time budgets and estimates, of the 2010 season, I'd rather not talk, talk is now closed and archived.
of the season will be, what to say?
IMF has published a calendar very full-bodied and interesting eight races eight (has not happened for years) rather well spaced, the possibility of a shift, a newcomer who will now race in Umbria ownership, icing on the cake, the final appointment of Oneta that will constitute a European championship.
Enough to be happy, and mother to thank the Federation for the obvious effort put into this specialty: If confirmed, the license will also be reduced, the reasons why very few will grumble.
If you manage to play all races on the program (in the last two years never happened), we find ourselves with a long and demanding season, in practice 4 months of well-marked. Stuff of this world. They may not like dates, fortnightly basis, the differences, but certainly it is a championship appearance very different from what we have seen in recent years, a new dimension to racing much more convincing and continues with which to confront.
For me the new total will be: cut the umbilical cord with the popular two-stroke (uphill only, though), Tenetra not do just the figure of the fool riding a 4-stroke single cylinder thing that I say should be driven sideways. Beautiful stuff, for someone like me, undoubtedly slow rider, definitely clean driving.
At trial the judge.
Top left, you can see the house where I will live up to the end of March. Nothing to say about the climate, but the bike is six hours of airplane, and I have not the first holiday of spring ... A 2011

different in every respect, then, and for us not miss anything, we amticipato in the sign of the novelty: two weeks in the UAE, where he remained until the spring.
Forgive if there will be many updates to these pages, I will do my best, but here the motion, always in my thoughts, however, fails to inspire me much; want for lack of raw material, or the 4500 km which alas separate us. It will mean that in
little free time (I'm here to work ...) I'm going to enjoy the summer heat and the beaches, poor stopgap pending the suit and put back smanacciare a little gas.
Happy New Year to all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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no to trial on the merits

Monday, November 1, 2010

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New life!

Like the real drivers, the doubts melted and defined the plans for 2011. See you up!

A famous satirist wrote a few years ago, that even in their small ants are angry. So even a small pilot in his Sunday's low level like me much right to run into anxieties of mind post-season, which resemble those known to all far more noble champions.
Imagine then if the vintage racing go as well you know, from time to chew bitter primary reason, my inability to provide technical and logistical proper care to the beloved RS 250.
We also know how that turned out, with a large sign left in the concrete wall along the road up to Passo di Zambla; sincerely thank all who have supported me both in the days immediately following the crime, that in the difficult weeks that followed, marked by inevitable doubts and many reviews.
Today, finally, always in my small way, I have taken the fateful die, I'm sorry for those who hoped to see me no more uphill, I'll still be there to break ... although in a new and very different.
After a test done at Castelletto Wednesday, I bought the new bike, goodbye sibilant 2 times, now there's a table that begins with 7 in that category, I confess, until recently called tractors, and that everyone else has always been supermotard.

For now the only thing in common with Ivan the bike ...

A new life, therefore, re-learn all over again, before reinventing itself as a driver but as a motorcyclist.
course, I still have to get used to feature something that still seems to me a very strange gear, Honda for more, and that still remains the most expensive bike I've ever owned!
There will be no way and time to know and appreciate, the 2011 can only be the year zero, also because of the fact that the work will keep me from Italy from December to late March, denying a preparation and a learning even decent.
For now, with 60 laps facts, I am really enjoying it: If you have roses, flowers, the initial aim is to relegate someone else here in last place.
Special thanks to Julian, especially for the patience: without him this would not be happening.
Now we have to make the most of the month that separates me from the start, in order to achieve a minimum of confidence with the medium.
environment for all in Radicondoli in April.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lacrosse Helmet Visors


I expect you all for the next three days!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pelvic Cramps And Knee Pain


"Uncertainty is more educational because it raises the certainty of knowledge and teaches us to live with the unpredictability in the long term" (Morin)

I wonder: perhaps the Gelmini has interpreted this great quote in its use and consumption, to make uncertain the future of the school?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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little fun with

Motorcycling popular twenty years ago, and seem percent ...

Not much to comment: many drivers, maybe not all as good as Bastianini, motorcycles quite common, the vituperatissimo "short" of Vallelunga, stories of other races, a popular motorcycling.
That does not mean cheap: they cost even then the bikes, as well as tires and licenses; some, perhaps much less in proportion to the budgets needed today. Popular
means widespread, easy to reach.
Many races at the regional level, on tracks "sustainable" means short of Vallelunga races for children, when they were Magione too short and Varano. Moto derivatives that may not always had a close bearing on the production (even then it turned a few of Gamma on the street), however, categories where the competitive aspect was predominant. A dock corposissimo of pilots laid off to draw from the talents that would make Italy great ski slopes in the world.
The comparison with competitive landscape today is unacceptable.
I will say that twenty years have passed, that the world has changed, that everything has changed, that my age it andavavno around, children, all day bike, playing card between the spokes and Tepa to crawl the asphalt as if to anticipate the supermotard.
You are right, but please, mind you watching some video if I can not hold a bike envy for a time, alas, far away, but with far fewer pretensions.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Simon C.:

Cara Maestra, when
class we knew you would not be coming, we were all very, very bad ...
Although I know that a new teacher can still give us so much love, have fun and can never be the same as you ... fond of her as we've gotten spoiled with you and the Mistress Stephanie, but never fill a void so great ...
Before, I thought you had decided to leave, but then mom told me that was not related to you and you'd never left there ... true?
However, all we wanted to thank you for being so good to us.
Un'abbraccio huge and good school year to you too ... I'll let you know as we meet with the new teacher ... I wonder if she like you and the teacher Stefania will earn the "M" capitalized (haha)!
And remember that we're the smartest science teacher ever!!
Hello and thanks for everything ;-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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had confirmation in my circle of ownership, so no use in the club where I worked for many years, today 15 September, I addressed my "first day of school" in a new reality!
pupils, more or less always the same, even if there is an increase of pupils with difficulties! The discomfort of a school in which they are still doing the work made safe, then a school yard, "is huge! And the exit ..... chaos !!!!!!!! with parents, enclosed in a confined space without vision, who claimed their children, children in tears perk could not see the crowd thronged their parents or their grandparents .... So its a "Great School"! ! Especially ... FULL SAFETY! We

Monday, September 13, 2010

How Many Ambien Does It Take To Die


to September 14: tomorrow for most of the schools in Naples will be the first day of school!
still waiting to know whether or not the use I got the 2nd CD Marano two years ago where they lose the spot!
I wonder what kind of school is becoming "my" school, what I believe, the school has meant that I continuously forms to give the best to my students aware that they will be my future?
Meanwhile, I worked for 13 days, happily, peacefully at! ° circle, but without the certainty of my stay there or not!
PRECARIOUS ROLE! I never tire of saying, perk that's how I feel, along with thousands of teachers, thanks to a reform that Gelmini is but a policy of cuts and increased private school!
Yet, so much experience with children, the possibility of teaching other than that stimulated me up beyond belief, although it has not been able to taste the fruits ... invite me to one side to begin a new experience, on the other to drop everything and devote myself to the simple sterile lesson that at least takes pupils properties !!!!!!!!
How sad! See
collapse in values \u200b\u200bthat have always believed: that of an education that enhances the students and the teacher! which may lead to the formation of consciences Citic, for a changing world!
It 's a school from year to year, it seems on appatenermi more, especially when you realize that your lote, change your thinking, your enthusiastic dedication is not even welcomed by all my colleagues, so attentive to their even small interest and love of individualism that puts the blinders to the demands from multiple parties.
I go now to the faculty at the 1st circle hoping that at least by today to find out where you will play tomorrow, "MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL "!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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to remember the dear Lucilla Fuiano whose sudden death I was literally shocked!
Indire Tutor courses, researcher, writer and journalist for the newspaper La Repubblica. Hello

Lucilla You gave me so much with your smile, your calm, your expertise and professionalism

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New on TRITA-prefetch

Extended-Chop the precarious for those who have completed the service requirements for
2009/10. Returns to the nightmare tail

to submit applications even those who did not qualify in 2008/09, but they have acquired in 2009/2010 Decided yesterday after meeting unions and MIUR. (The usual suspects)

We already have the draft, but to supplement the decree will be published soon, despite the news, will maintain the period for submission of applications provided between 15 and 30 September. but using modules "date" than those now available, the Ministry of Education will prepare in the coming days.

According to union sources: "The Administration has given a further opportunity for reflection on how to include in the priority lists (or tail, or" comb ")"

Despite numerous rulings, and requests by the unions, are not those who have completed the service on more than one school.

USB is available to workers for advice even for those who had not yet received unemployment benefits ...... but especially in the fight against this massacre!

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How to become a teacher here is the new rules

Fri, 10/09/2010 - 14:35

MIUR - One year training to tie theory to practice. Activate only as necessary to avoid the insecurity. More English and technological skills. Gelmini: "You go from ignorance to knowledge teach. With the new training there is formed mainly in the field"

radically changes the initial training of teachers. Minister Gelmini has signed the Regulations on initial teacher training that is developed, in particular on four main approaches: The Internship

to play directly in contact with schools and with the "job" as a teacher, because teaching is not only theory but also practical;

The number of new teachers will be decided according to need. End of unrestricted access to the profession that created job insecurity;

By the end of temporary employment for young people will be allowed immediate entry in the role;

Degrees specifications for each class of certification. More English (B2 certification required to qualify in English) and new technologies, better preparation for the integration of disabled people.

"Today a new milestone in the reform intended to change our school system - said the minister Mariastella Gelmini - a fundamental, because it concerns the training of future teachers.
expect a rigorous selection, necessary for those who have in hand the future of Italy and replace the old path of a SSIS specific degree courses and one year of internship co-planning by schools and universities, concentrated in the transition from knowing to knowing how to teach. "

Settlement is the result of the work of the Commission chaired by Professor Giorgio Israel, which was followed by an action for comparison with the schools and associations to promote school integration. The aim of the new routes is to ensure a more balanced specification preparation, teaching and teacher during the degree courses and the course of a year of course, the Internship active, direct contact with schools.

changed then how to obtain entry. Under the new system

* to teach in kindergarten and primary school will require a five-year degree, a number of students with proof of access can achieve the qualification for primary school and child
* are strengthened disciplinary and pedagogical skills, and increase the share of training in school and is a special laboratory course for the English language and new technologies;
* for the first time we given specific attention to the problem of students with disabilities and that all the paths there are lessons that could allow the teacher to have a basic training on special needs.

* to teach in lower secondary school degree and second degree will require the ad hoc completed one year of Internship active;
* there is a rigorous selection process for entry to a degree program based on the number needs of the national education system, composed of public schools and equal treatment;

* Year of Internship activities covered 475 hours of training at school (at least 75 dedicated to disability) under the guidance of a mentor teacher;

* compared to the path SSIS (Specialization School for Secondary School Teachers), takes the best of that experience by avoiding the repetition of the teaching discipline, already detailed in the degree and degree, to focus on training (increased), the laboratories and teaching. Under the old system

* to teach in kindergarten and the primary four-year degree was enough to single-cycle test with the first year of access and choice, after a two-year policy, for approval for the school primary or nursery school;

* to teach in secondary school and second degree were required a degree and 2 years of SSIS (Specialization School for Secondary School Teachers). From the SSIS

Internship focus: moving from ignorance to knowledge teach

Rounding out the secondary SSIS for the first and second grade and their place gives life to the Apprenticeship Training On the duration of a year, meeting ground between school and university. During the Internship will be featured widely in-depth education with field experience to facilitate the transition from ignorance to knowledge teach.

Internships: how and where to do it. The number determined in accordance with the needs of teachers

This Regulation has been given full recognition the national education system (formed by the state schools and equal), both in the involvement in training as in the calculation of the needs of teaching staff, and begin to consider the possibility of conducting training courses also in the structures of vocational education and training where in place of compulsory training and testing centers for adult education.

addition, the regional education offices organize and update the registers of accredited schools that will receive training on the basis of specific criteria established by the Ministry, highlighting good practices and specificity.
The USR will also function to control and verify the work experience. Until the establishment of registers, the universities are free to choose schools, in consultation with the USR to maintain supervisory duties. The Board of

training course, which requires the presence of school and university, has the task of coordination and planning and is the land of encounter and reconciliation between the two.

committees of qualification provide a balance between school and university and a determinant of weight training and teaching of proof on the vote of approval.

year internship provides for interaction and joint planning of the route between schools and universities. E 'was no specific area of \u200b\u200bworkshops designed to deepen what is being done in class.

Teacher training support

is envisaged that the training of teachers for the support is placed in the hands of the universities, while providing the possibility of specific agreements with institutions in the sector, pending a future class of competition that qualifies the service .

Paths specialization CLIL

There are specialized courses for CLIL (secondary school teaching position to a non-language foreign language). Magazine

class certification instrument

The Afam contributes fully to the initial training of teachers in the classes of certification of competence. In particular was revised to enable path for a musical instrument.


All the old graduates can achieve certification for the secondary of first and second degree by going behind to pass the test of access (pre-selection tests, written and oral), year of Internship active programmed number, which can be activated from this academic year. For access to the path thereby promoting the service done in school,
doctoral research and work done in universities.

Regulation on initial training, therefore, aims to achieve four objectives:

1) focuses not only in initial the traditional subjects, but the acquisition of certain soft skills: second language and English skills of teaching through new technologies;

2) replaces the system SSIS structures more streamlined, focused on the meeting and joint planning between schools and universities to avoid self- , costs for the system and for students and shortening the course of a year for secondary school qualification;

3) provides a schedule of the numbers able to avoid the proliferation of precarious;

4) requires a rigorous selection future teachers.

a subsequent decree will establish the degree courses for the second cycle education, to follow the path of change of the second cycle and related classes of competition.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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September 11

For all, the twin towers.
For me, happy birthday, Barry!

September 11, 1950, Barry Sheene was born in London, the pilot who more than anyone else, including our own phenomena, marked an epoch for first imposing the attention of not only fans, but a entire nation. World champion in 1976 and 500 in 1977, was the first to spot on television, end up on magazines, to use white overalls and helmets with graphics and the first to be recognized in the fashionable, to bond with a famous model of the time, the first that has divided fans in no uncertain terms, each ready to idolize him, the other to wear shirts that insulted him. Barry Sheene famous for the flight to Daytona, when the rear tire exploded catapulting the Suzuki 750 to 280 km / h, or to Abbey Silverstone in the corner when impacted at 250 km / h Igoa's bike, crashed shortly before. Barry Sheene famous for its numerous metal plates and screws that held the bones together, many to the point of him leaving his beloved England, unable to withstand the humid climate.
If a tumor is not there he had taken away seven years ago, would still be among us, no more long hair, always alive to the inimitable smile somewhere between sly and mocking, the London accent that even the long stay Australian had mitigated.

There would be more than enough to make one of my idols, but in reality, there is much more.
There is the incorrigible flaw of always saying what he thought, especially in terms of security, and have paid in person, the positions taken. There is a rebellion not only to a dull establishment, who was running the hallucinatory world in facilities and services for safety, but also into the sports system: in disagreement with the houses will not hesitate to create a team just running as a champion of the world, with motorcycle customers.
There is the ability to develop and test the bike in a superfine, thanks to training in his father's, good preparation of 2t, and spent two summers to be a mechanic in the world, skipping school. Ability that allowed him to develop the Suzuki RG 500 and take it to the World Summit, at the end of 1974, when Japan's leadership had cleared the project, judging disappointing, with only one of his vehement stance arose in motion the most successful of the decade.
There will be no titles won in bunches, but is the only driver in history to have won world championship racing in Class 50 (with 4 departures), 125 (two seasons where, with a rookie Suzuki former officer six years ago and bought in installments, was second in the league behind Nieto) and 500.
Look on youtube the video when you have time at Silverstone 1979, one of the great races that has left us.
Beyond the few titles, there is a driver who has beaten three generations of champions: Agostini and Read, and Cecotto Roberts, Mamola and Spencer, beyond the pilot is above all a man, a figure almost unimaginable in today's so-called sport on two wheels.
Happy birthday, Barry ....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Bergamo uphill

incredible organizational success for the first edition of Oneta-step of Zambla. Total disaster for my racing season ...

antipodes: right Bonetti, the fastest rider from Bergamo and TT hero, left the Longa, the slowest rider from Bergamo ...

Sitting on the asphalt leading to the pass, I contemplate what is left of the Aprilia 125 lent by Danny, and I have only two thoughts in mind, the first move a smile: I used his 125 in 4 games, falling in three. The second is that this misadventure is the only discordant note of a beautiful weekend spent in a beautiful place to attend a beautiful race. I grew up not far from here, down in the city, but my Mom was born just a couple of ridges beyond the valley of rice, and I have always fought these places since childhood. Gather to race here united in name and in remembrance of Faustus, is a emotional journey to the most difficult to understand. Instead, what they understood all the participants in this race is that the pace of Zambla, from a height of 1260 meters, has erected a new standard for racing montana. A road technically complete and never trivial, involving a mountain backdrop, un'allestimento maniacal path, a host of enthusiastic villagers and the public, a paddock cheered by a good party on Saturday evening. Unanimous thought is that the pitch-Oneta Zambla has already cut in this first edition, a place of prominence among the homegrown climbs. If you remain on the calendar, is destined soon to become the classic of classics. As I said to someone who commented Sunday night that surprised since the weekend: "What else did you expect from the Val Serio Bergamo?". What
instead I did not expect, frankly, is the wreck of my sports season. One race with my bike racing, two races made the Gammon Road, with a wet, ran two races with the 125, always out of ten, times have not always far from the beautiful last year.
Patience, I'm used to disappointments, and this 2010 has already slipped behind me. Stay
the uncertainty of what to do next year, because as I said in 250 to continue with these conditions (no support) is a suicide.
We'll see how it goes, however it will be a success.

Monday, August 23, 2010

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One of us ...

is not what you drive, the drive is like ...
Did you know that there is a trophy reserved for Moto Guzzi? I honestly no, I discovered last month when, after six years of work in the same company, I met John, an engineer little younger than me and colleague. Do not make those faces!! The company has 1200 employees spread across two different settlements, and John and I work at a distance 80 km.
physical separation, united by the same passion.
John has a unique mode of locomotion, a Moto Guzzi Breva 750 marked by time and daily use. Four times a year starting from Finale Ligure with backpack on his shoulder, rather than arriving at Adria Magione, mirrors and dismantle the stand and take part in the matches. Incidentally, this year is leading the class up to 750cc. Then, Sunday evening, mirrors and stand in their place, dall'autodromo again and go home.
imperative at this point to organize, with great difficulty, a half day at the track in Castelletto, John arrives at 8 am, rain suit to witness the water taken in Liguria. Dismantle the mirrors enduring the contempt of the nearby paddock, mounted on a KTM motard new again in Monza that asks us how to do a run with a thing so heavy. Then finally in a turn.

trust John with a Breva 2009 in Mansfield

I stop immediately, the Aprilia is unfortunately not yet in place. I watch John turn on a bike that does not emit any runore (standard exhaust), and that relations with the road not taken even speed on the straights. On the other hand, just give it the gas in the corners, as I discovered after three overs near the paddock ...
Some adjustment path after an exchange of ideas produces a pitch of 1:32 'a thing so heavy in the bottom of the right fails to reach 110 km / h, but in the morning semi-desert gets behind a road 600.
o'clock forgive the mirrors in the shower and go back home, John certainly proved by the morning, I certainly happy to have a new friend, a pilot.
One of us ...

Monday, August 16, 2010

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Sillano cruel ...

This year the classic ascent of the only disappointments in store for me ...

I had already written here two years ago, my relationship with Sillano is difficult, because of love this beautiful place, full of memories of the era of almost 4 km without chicane (a blast getting into full union with the 125 ...).
So here the duties of updates the last three editions:

2008: I sacrifice myself and soon to start my bike to a rider in contention for the championship that has broken its Saturday. First and last time.
2009: Good first thwarted by a straight ascent to the village (this curve is my true nemesis ...) in the second round.
2010: returned just in time after many adventures in India, I discovered on Wednesday that the Aprilia is broken, no bikes, no Sillano, I'm going on vacation with his family. At noon on Sunday are already very far from Sillano but there with his head. The dish

garfagnino continues to cry for me: In the years I have collected all sorts of disappointment on these beautiful curves, alas mutilated by cuts and chicanes added over time. This year later on Thursday was with the moral in his heels, as it is easy to understand. Luckily, when everything is tinged with blackest black, there are friends to help. Thanks to Stefano Bonetti, who has embarked on the camper (unsuccessfully) my range. Thanks largely to Enrico Viviani Covezzi and Giuliano, who knows my troubles did not hesitate to give me a bike for each race. I did not because it is felt by the race of Isola del Liri, including a bale and the other, that I go running. Year
fool, no doubt about it, and pull the neck entangled useless: I run for fun, after all.
Thanks anyway, not only for his generosity, but above all thanks to exist.
People like you is not only the beauty of the climb, but most of life.
A Bazzano, at the cost of running with a mower, we will meet ...

PS They must have had their own reasons my 3 fellow motorcycle clubs that do not fit to return to the range, reported in Bergamo in the campers poor Bonetti (thanks again). Confirming the conventional wisdom that the first opponent is the team-mate??

A Bazzano, then!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Leather Skirt Mistress

No mas!

My season ends here in 250. Give my Sillano ...
You were right. All of you.
Those who break the two-stroke. Those who
that if you do not have great mechanical skills you have to take a scaldapizzette (read: engine with camshafts).
Those who should have to run half you need us just gasoline, and so on.
Those (at home) instead of holding two serious wrecks bought a motorcycle, and above all reliable.
This year, the Aprilia makes me pay with the interests of negligence seasons, winter closed in the van waiting for the first races, revisions and discontinuous approximate. The range is more or less the same condition, front compromise in order to think about going strong. This morning, after a month spent thinking about Sillano, with the bike in Castelletto was not able to do two laps on a regular basis, I give up. Roberto Duran as the eighth round of the rematch against Sugar Ray Leonard, I lift up my hands and say "No Mas" - just.
After a month spent thinking about Sillano, I said, a month during which I worked in India, but with his head in Garfagnana: I could see the monkeys out of the hotel room, and I thought of Silla passed in front of Hindu temples, and I thought to Silla. I ate chicken tandoori, and I thought to Silla.
will mean that for me will Sillano in 2011. Ironic that the race I like most every year, year after year, I reserve only bitterness.
My season ends here in 250, maybe I'll be there the last two races, but in another category. My bike will never be ready for those dates. I thank Enrico Viviani, I promptly offered his Aprilia to Sillano: you are great and there is no need for words between us. But running with your bike would have been a little too troubled, I would occasionally get to Sunday morning calm relaxed and concentrated on what I do, this year I've had too many hardships and disappointments.
Next year we will see, but I doubt continue to run with the quarter-liter. Sin duemmezzo because the bike is a spectacular but demanding. And I'm not able to badarci. To my former opponents, good luck and continue to hold high the banner of motion extinct long ago. Although I am no longer with you in the green tables, will always support the category.
Ad Maiora, then, and living Sillano!

Monday, July 12, 2010

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Mirela, sei unique!

I'm here in this dark road, a night different from usual. I am alone, and walk, thinking of you, you're across the sea, but near me, with my heart and mind.

Mirela, you are unique, you're great, for the courage that gives me, gives me the coragggio to live every day. What courage you have, I do not have, and I wish I had, as to be able to give you achi needs it more than me.

Mirela, you're great, you're like an ocean without end. As you are to me, you are for those who are near you every night and listen to you ....

Mirela, you're a great love for me, for all of us, a star in our midst, and the love you receive each night by each of us is a true love ...

I'm here, just walk down the street, and every time I look up there, as if I were looking for someone who, like you, every night I close, and she caresses his face.

Mirela I wish I could caress your face, your hair, I want those lips touching you, I wish I could hold your hand, hold it close to Thee my heart, you feel the beat of my heart for the warmth of love I feel for you, but always love you ...
Although from a distance, but close to the heart, written by Marcello


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Island mon amour ... As it turned

The stage of Isola del Liri confirms highlight of the season, despite the absent, never at fault as this year. Wishing ...

Here we go again. And 'always so, since 2003, when, just on these hills, I started to climb.
Here comes the weekend of Isola del Liri, and too soon goes away.
I have written the past few years ( laws ) what this race is special, unique in the country. The atmosphere, the people, the beautiful and protected path to perfection, the food, the beauty of women, the exquisite hospitality, what else should I say to describe a wonderful time and you do not make the slightest regret the distance and the sailors have to get down here?
year, then we also had the evidence to Saturday (for the first time), the real icing on the cake already rich island of the race.
One discordant note, stonatissimo: the non-validity for the Italian title (which by regulation speed 2010 "takes place on six tests, all valid, but its missing call this race) after the misdeeds timekeepers of the past year.
I think what we saw last weekend in terms of organization and punctuality, not only is worthy of allocation perpetuates the league, but should also be an example to other organizers who may have a great reputation, but in fact disfigure in front of what is put in place this year by the staff of MC Franco Mancini 2000.
I also believe that a series that boasts the title of the Italian championship can not be reduced to the dispute in a concentrated area as the current one, titled out of 5 with 3 races in Tuscany, and the other two little distant then they are welcome the more miles, even if we sacrifice cost.
I would venture even an indecent proposal: having regard to the enthusiasm always live in the city against the run, one can not hold a second, maybe early in the season, maybe not entitled?
I'd come there to race.
The other new this year, I have not even noticed, I'm sorry, but between the trance racing and the many delicacies and kindness which I was subjected in 3 days, the beauty of a healthy and natural environment as well as I could have time to notice that there were many competitors than the league?
remember the Sunday evening, was only won the cup, which in my truck was a little part of the intruder.
Worse for who was not there ...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mild Cramping And Pink Mucous Before Period

.... Dedicated

logical conclusion of the previous post ...
I said that we praise you Imbroda. Alas very true for me in Isola del Liri, as during the climb of Saturday's Aprilia work again in a cylinder.
So I learn to boast publicly of my non-existent mechanical qualities of the two times of great racing. So
was put Aall proves once more my proverbial tenacity, nothing could prevent me from participating in my favorite ride, and then the inevitable conclusion tragicomic evening with replacement (in the storm) Suzukino of trust that allowed me to run at least Sunday , making me even almost fun (when I figured out how to stop ...).
Chronicle of the most beautiful race of the year coming in the next few days.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop Solan

a. ..

Imbroda Who praises you, the saying goes, but ....

Today was good, maybe not even that much, maybe just lucky enough to have a passion so healthy and so good friends, still want to put the evening in the quietness of the van parked in Isola del Liri, I have reason to be happy.
do not know how the race will go on Sunday but as I have already won just for the fact that we, in addition to the distinction of being the first rider arrived in ciociaria (with the bike are scarce, but I have no truck with rivals ... ).
My race I have won today, in a sunny paddock (Cellole) where instead of running half a day I worked six hours on the bike, in constant telephone contact with Dani Valenghi (great guru, thank you), to solve the mystery of the bike who went to one, I have removed, changed, cleaned, checked everything, but seemed willing Aprilia in the worst way to pay me all the bad things I said about her lately. In reality this great dance motion equation woman = I have never believed, I find that shit good for riders who reads the book or on Motosprint Cattaneo, also because I never sweated as much as today for a woman. Of course, as with the women of my past failure that lay ahead was monumental for me I love this race and these people, not to mention the fact that I was around for 3 days with the van, to be able to combine work and race.
After countless pieces of evidence that have shed half yard, already when I contemplated the idea of \u200b\u200ba sad homecoming, the last possibility (even after removing Suzuki to get a half-crankcase cover), the miraculous sound of two, say two cylinders fumosissimi and angry, which for me meant a little harps of heaven. Reassembled in all haste, loaded, an hour and a half drive punctuated by the tragedy of national in South Africa (their best at home that I ...) and here I am, dead tired, happy as a clam.
The thought goes to all the pilots who for one reason or another will not be here this year, I have done enough for today, and I would not be anywhere else now, if not here. Why
uphill I'm fine.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blinds For Windows Beside Front Door

How long does the adventure ...

semitragico Tale of the ten days ... Carpasio

Carpasina My ordeal began ten days before the race Imperia: ripped their teeth at work and the family a sweaty day off, I'll turn to Vairano Vidigulfo; best day, few people, motorcycle (Aprilia) that row that is a pleasure ... for six laps, because the seventh Nails engine.
things happen, not to lose the day shooting down from the van, the Suzuki 250 Gamma (never used on the track) and try to see how it goes. Go, go quite well with the known problems with fork and brakes somehow manages to work around them, two are now reduced to rubber compound slick, but do not bother me much. The night I

Aprilia Valenghi be appropriate for treatment, and get home after midnight on Saturday to try to have his faithful Carpasio Gammon, the road is very nice, the bike is fine.

Seven days later, here I am camped on the hill of St. Bernard, to remove plaque, mirrors and headlights to Suzuki, and stick figures and tables, on Saturday morning, I can even build two caps for the dumbbells as ordered dall'inflessibile Commissioner.

Ben deserved another chance in the race with the onset forced the exposure Suzukino ...

are optimistic about the evidence against him and in the afternoon, convinced that even with this bike I will be faster than one second and a half minutes compared with April, which I revile a week. But ...
is it that the flaws in front of a roadway such as Carpasio explode in all their gravity, forcing me to step a little more than a tourist as a rule are at the end, the tires are the usual, not c 'is much I can do.
I console myself as I can to the party on Saturday evening, foreseeing that Sunday will be a difficult, almost resigned to the point that Luke pulls me down from the van at eight and a half (usually at least seven have something up ...).
tests in the morning, does not change the music, in fact exacerbated by the hardships alcohol the night before. Lunch and ... rain.
not tell you the effort to stand during the first climb, reach the finish in the tires still cold after a bend of the foot under the bike to hold it up, second round a bit 'better, the times I do not want even speak, inevitable in the evening to draw conclusions.
Somme which obviously does not meet its return, and we would fail after three days of torture, it is here that triggered the mechanism of which I mentioned at the beginning.
My only reaction is to look ahead at times inevitably destined to be better.
and convince yourself that the next race will be great, perhaps, taking the moto "owner"; What happened the day before yesterday evening after an afternoon of work Valenghi San Daniele, who lent me all the pieces of broken in the incident Vairano.
And so, once again in a totally irrational but very determined, we give an appointment for a great race uphill in Isola del Liri.
Who will live, will see ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where Can I Buy Live Maca Root

Longa's Garage

zero cost, double height, only in good weather .....

How often, when it comes to bikes, the expression of my interlocutor suddenly becoming skeptical, eyebrows arched, mute reproach that does not mean anything but "This guy is crazy" .
happens when I say that I only have 250 in two days, " this guy is crazy, I do not know that bikes are extinct, polluting and unreliable?" ; happens when I say that no club in the street, " this here is out of this world, you burn savings in salaries and tracks and van"; inevitably happens when I say that I run uphill "this guy is crazy, not knows that it is dangerous and useless? " .
Especially, when it happens, unloaded the bike from the van in some paddock, I say to the puzzled look by saying the truth, namely that, for various reasons, I do not have availability for five years a box.
The bikes are in the van, and if I do any type of maintenance, first I have to wait for a sunny day, then getting the lawn in front of the house (thanks to the joint of my country, that gives me the box, but so far I was not evicted from his meadow).
For once, the picture is dedicated to me and who I can understand, even without eyebrows ...
... otherwise it means they are really mad!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dickies Outlet Locations In Singapore

A year without Fausto ...

Adventure Fausto Duci was closed for a year, against a guard-rail of the main road 42, the night of May 23, 2009.

I do not consider important the date, nor the occasion, even now, I can not see the point of this story, you call it lack of faith if you like.
important is the impression that Fausto has left in such a short time, within each of us, the first of his family, friends, opponents, even simple acquaintances, although my wife still talks to me now him at least twice a month. Important
would also be split in our hearts the burning pain caused by his loss, by the wonderful memories he left us and that everyone in Serbia; undertaking difficult, even impossible for those who loved him more.
I can not even think about the good times we had together without being hurt from the absurdity of his unexplained disappearance, the time, you know, is a great healer, and wait for the day will no longer be so bad remember a great guy, a great champion, a friend.
the first anniversary of his death, ideally I cling to mom Judith, father Silvano and sister Barbara. For all other
the appointment is in Gorno 4 and 5 September for the first memorial Fausto Duci.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cinderella Scroll Style Invitations


Stefano Bonetti A great start to the British travel case with two performances in Northwest 2OO

years pass, remain unchanged things for our Stefano Bonetti 2010, began with the usual, already discounted the difficulty of finding the necessary budget to cover travel to the Northwest 200 and the Tourist Trophy, as he always runs truly private, it had present on the grid at the Ballymoney without even trying to spare the Fireblade (and still do not know how to complete 6 laps of the Senior TT unable to change rear tire ...). Even on the eve of departure Stephen seemed to me almost discouraged, despite the bike seems pretty competitive (for a private, of course).
Then, it happens that you do not expect. And you begin to think that maybe, for once, the accounts will be back ....
Already the evidence of Thursday Stefano shot with a nice pace, finishing in the top 20 in both the Supersport race with the trust that CBR is also used in the Italian Championship Ascent, which in the Superstock. In the race, then, Stephen has been exceeded, taking a 16th place in the Supersport (best lap in 4.49) and even a 13th (was 12th until the last corner) in the Superstock, where during the fifth lap he pulled a certain Cameron Donald, sealing the whole with an excellent 4.39.
puts the chills to see the names of the riders in front of him, all officers, and also someone who is left behind.
To save the CBR 600, in view of the hardships that will face the Isle of Man, Stephen gave up running the second Supersport race, the head of the curve already at 300 Mountain.
good start ....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ski-doo Tundra For Sale Minnesota

passion drives us ...

I believe to be one with infinite passion; Radicondoli, somebody has outclassed me in this ....

The title is taken verbatim from a commercial motor vehicle, but is well adapted to the dark riders up the hill, where samples are competing a title and a bowl, and humans (read poor) as I run just to satisfy something undefined and great, sometimes even the term passion fails to describe fully.
something indefinable that dries up the hard-earned savings, the little free time, absorbing and sometimes affects families and forcing a real tour de force reconcile commitments, their loved ones and ran.
Alarms in impossible hours or extended working days to reach our paddock, economic and personal sacrifices to keep the bike was competitive, grueling travel when normal people go on holiday at the seaside with the children, all things known to more laborious rituals that are repeated every time there is a race on the weekend. All
for that vague but tangible sense of satisfaction that we feel inside when, surely, the sunset of Sunday's race turns red sky still far from our house.
Passion, in fact.
From this point of view I think I deserve a place in the front row, at least here, if I the trials, to compromise, the misadventures that have punctuated these years of racing, I am just saying "who you do it??"
Obviously, the passion, of which I am a teacher. Or rather, I felt up to Radicondoli, when all sweaty menate meeting I went to run, are dwarfed by the obstinacy of a sudden, you say, passion I say, Paul, Emilia bold rider, after he spent with supermoto debut in Open and 600.
troubled debut, as the trust Aprilia on Saturday afternoon began to regurgitate water and oil.
real pilots and said everything would be charged at the next arrivederrci but he has passion does not give up, especially if you as a friend and mentor, Julie, who has (Modena) of a Honda race ready. Having said that, Paul left for Modena, gets back to the bike and Radicondoli to 23 on Saturday, after six and a half hours of travel, but there is still much to do (the Honda has the slick), and at midnight, as I go to sleep, I greet Paul and Yuri intent to prepare the return side of the road, illuminated only by a tiny battery. Sunday morning wake up at dawn to finish the job (dismounts from the motorcycle wheels, tires from the rims, replace the tires on the rims and wheels on bikes) and make the bike check, back, Paul pierce the front tire. .. The only rubber is available now mounted on the rim of April, but the bike is removed from the cart, and redid the work (remove the tires ....); Honda is ready just in time to present the first ascent, and Paul launches into a new adventure in riding a bike never felt before. The rest of the day is all downhill, crowned by an excellent sixth place and the inevitable teasing.
How to describe this powerful engine, that no approach will succeed in our fast car, the engine that leads us to do amazing things and sometimes superhuman?
You name it, if you will, passion ....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ho To Make My Hair Wavy

Service Announcement

A Radicondoli finally I met Luke in person, a passionate photographer of ascents that follows us for quite some time and is capable of really nice shots.
Take a look at your site because it's really worth (the photos of Radicondoli 2010 will be posted in a few days, but there are several galleries in 2009).
Click below or the menu links on the right.

Pain In Thigh After Ovulation

After the long winter hibernation, we found ourselves in Radicondoli. Someone asked me about the status of this blog, so I had to write something ...

Our specialty is marked by a calendar that follows the seasons, you leave a little sad at the end of the summer to meet the spring. Obviously you do not lose sight of just everybody during the enforced break, but to rebuild our entire caravan must wait for the end of April.
The first race is always a bit special, maybe because it comes with new expectations, or even just to see who has changed bikes and maybe category this year have sprouted several new faces, some of which have not lost time to settle to the top the charts.
On Friday and Saturday there is a little space for everyone, greetings and hugs, and above all more or less exaggerated tales of winter, like those who claim to have never filmed, or those who complain about hours spent in the garage to solve problems that afflict their sci-fi two-wheel and undermines their competitiveness for the next two seasons. Then sometimes we think the first time trial to re-establish hierarchies and truth ...
E 'rather than immediately apparent, as we tried to pretend that nothing happened during the seven-month break, in fact we missed the very paddock and his characters. What leaves us
Radicondoli, beyond the sporting results, it is certain that this year will be a great championship, based on a healthy environment and people out of the ordinary, a breath of fresh air required in the alas our everyday world, now full of meanness and bullying of any kind.
would be worthwhile to extend the length of some races, perhaps starting in March and ending in October, perhaps taking only one race per month, to give a little more continuity to the one that first of all remains a world apart , a small old world if we are, however, so far from the understanding of the races today.
And if you think it's too cold in March, you see that you are never frozen trying to sleep in Radicondoli in April ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Table Seating Chart Template

dream ... Live ... SPER ... AND ... I LOVE LIFE!

For Visat vreodata Iesi pe sa nu poti sa Afar? It was not raining or not because you have the flu, but because you can not move ...? There are people who want the smallest thing you like: open and closed the door, looking out the window in the morning with eyes Carpathian sleep ... and everything, or anything trivial would be a wonderful gesture! So much I want
However, as often dream that run on the beach, or deep breathing on anthill outside the window, and the desire to be part of that heap of life, pushing me to do it again some the complicated mechanism that is called LIFE ...
For me, 18 years ago, life took another twist ... An angel guarding me and left me in life ... I am confined to bed after a serious car accident ... Reading and listening to music ... and listen to mother's voice talking to me constantly cares. Very hard at the computer keys, with only one prosthetic finger ... but ... write! I enjoy every minute God-given me ... I know that life is the most precious gift given by God ....
I called the bridegroom and a clam living in an apartment in Constanta. The few times I managed to come out in the last 18 years ... I do not know how is the city ... I do not know very much of what is happening with me another time ... And I want very much to have the new Friendship. I feel very alone, I beat helplessness, isolation hit me ... I forgot to smile or enjoy my life ... I really need friends who can really understand through which they pass, who can help me both financially and morally, psychologically or spiritually .. If, as a friend can you start with a simple e-mail: and if you can understand my situation was special, then do not hesitate! Find me! Do not forget that somewhere, someone needs you, and your friendship!

call me! 0726 56 98 56

Sunday, March 28, 2010

White Muscus On 60th Day

Only if you have time for GOD ... The start of a new ending

tried to keep God in church on Sunday morning ... And maybe Sunday night ...
And perhaps, at an event in midweek.
And we like to have him near the disease ...
And, of course, at funerals.
However we do not make time for him to work, or to play ...
For this part of life ... believe ... that we can, we must, let alone solve.
Lord, forgive me if I ever think that there ...
a particular time and a place where ...
he's not first in my life!
should always find time to remember that he did for us.
If you're not ashamed to do these, follow the directions:
Jesus said: 'If you're ashamed of me, and I shall be ashamed of you before the Father. "
ashamed of the Lord?
Send this e-mail only if you sure you want!
Yes, I love the Lord!
He is the source of life and Savior.
He keeps me every day. Without Him I am nothing, nothing will succeed. Are nothing without him .. But, by Christ, He strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)
A simple test ...
If you love the Lord ... and not ashamed of the wonders he has done that for you,

POEM I knelt praying, but not too much, because many others had done.
hurrying to work, the bills were plenty.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer, I stood
then quickly leave.
my Christian duty was fulfilled, could soothe my soul.
All day long I found time to say a good word, to talk with friends about Jesus.
Anyway, I feared that I would laugh. I
time I have time, too much to do ...
me crying ...
Even I had time for a soul in need?
Perhaps no time to die??
I approached the Lord, he stood before his eyes wide:
she handed a book of life book

God saw in the book: 'Your name is not found. I was going to pass him in the book, but my free time. "
Hmmm, what about you? You have time to send this message?
not stop, go all the way!
Easy / hard
For us it's hard to tell the truth and a lie so easily?
Why do we fall asleep in church, but we soon find ourselves preaching ready?
What comes so hard to talk about God but so easy when it comes to frivolous things? Why find boring
religious little book, but we look forward to a fashion magazine?
How we're so easy to delete a religious message, but send all sorts of silly?
why churches get smaller, while the bars and dance clubs are crowded?
give up? Think again!
You send this e-mail, or you will delete?
Remember, God is watching us.
prayer wheel -
Let's see if the devil can stop the offensive!
Here's what to do: Upon receiving this message
say a prayer for the person who sent you ...
Prayer is a wonderful thing ...
not cost anything, but the reward is great!
blessing fall upon you Lord! I hope that all would be blessed as I am, after this message! I wonder how it will be deleted because of the title?

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