Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Blueprints For A Salon

still dream a new party

I have always olive trees, and always convinced belief in the ability to form a mature democracy and a better Italy, where there is also the alternation of governments.

But to govern must have a strong party (with shared ideas and projects), a leadership that knows how to make synthesis of values \u200b\u200band has projects and new men for the future.

agree with the analysis of those who give to the project passed the "union", with its consequences: first of all the antiberlusconismo, which can not be either the first or main center-left coalition of the clotting factor. We Democrats are not
antiberlusconiani a-priori, but by virtue of a clear alternative plan, purposeful and carried on with a style all our own, which starts by listening to people (to start with the weaker segments of the population) and force may importance as the primary selection tool and political debate inside the party, free of strife in their own end.

I realize even the contradictions expressed by my party. At the beginning our founders had great expectations, which unfortunately have not yet been realized.
I think the most dangerous risk of PD current action at the level of local administration, is a sort of addiction to the dominant culture of the center, which has nothing to do with our values. Our policy should be, and Other High; must be truly transparent, it must give the signs of discontinuity with strong actions, values \u200b\u200band policies of reference are: thrift in public expenditure, participation, Social care and prevention of emergencies (eg, families in difficulty), the protection of our territory and our cultures (continuously in dialogue - in comparison with the other) and economically sustainable development, in particular an urgent need to take clear and precise positions on issues, together local and global, such as land use, water and waste.

If our position on such issues will be clear (the Gospel "Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no), people will understand and will follow us. If
otherwise continue with "a pull to get by" old-fashioned well-deserved end will be our policy. We can not

Democrats typically afford tightrope-dalemiani, who prefer the tactical-political agreement. Before any agreement is necessary to discuss a common agenda, decide exactly a clear line to follow and check on our strategic locations where there are convergences. To start this action I think they are necessary laboratories all over the country, which are both training and proposal, to ensure that the new policy, collecting the needs and proposals of the territories to become truly democratic.
was the idea (implemented) of the Fabric of Prodi and time of the Fabric of Niki. We Democrats are so generous to make up their proposals, throwing to the winds and become "snatch" the ideas from Other: stop being so self-defeating! The resources are there and should be exploited!

Peter Rosellini


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