Friday, January 14, 2011

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work ... If we think of the Continent Africa Europe are without a future

Our civilized world insists on ignoring the problem of problems of this millennium, approndando hairpieces solutions for it, preferring accordicchi genuflections to tyrants and shift to a radical change in the action to start to solve it.
This problem has a name: Africa. The paradox that is linked to this name calling responsibilities of the West "civilized."
A paradox which concerns a paradigm incontrovertible. In view of the increased resources that developed countries spend in support of the African continent, not only do not see the fruits, but rather the situation even worse if not watertight.
If we take the trouble to ask the "why" of this individual who worked in Africa for the liberation of his land, we would respond in a simple and direct: you're working to maintain this situation.
It sounds amazing and would be reminded of the "dark plots of capitalism and its many tentacles, but there is no anti-market ideology to explain to us what our African friends.
I who have the good fortune to work through the Association Culturidea and the Congolese for the overall wellbeing of all, to build an education center / sports Pistoia dedicated to a missionary in the Bas-Congo, I have done several times this question to the young graduates Congolese there are on the front line, risking their lives for their people.
These friends smile when asked if indeed there is a problem of "hunger" in Africa. They smile and say, "The problem is that you send us for free rice from Italy, how much does all this rice? Then here you do get free and ruined the little market of those who cultivate the ground. Let us cultivate our lands, stops the purchase of our wild resources, and fund our schools, let us educate and we will emerge from our own poverty. "
Their argument is clear. The system of international aid organizations that manage it are more functional to the maintenance of the grounds for exclusion (and thus aid) than to their solution. As an old adage used to say "the problem is not finding work, but always keep."
Basically what we tell our friends in Africa is that, apart from calls and advertising campaigns of large global organizations, we are not really helping this continent to escape from the brink.
The thing that should make us reflect, however, is this. Only in Nigeria there are more than 90milioni of people between 13 and 20 years who do not know how to put together the ends meet, and no agreement with Gaddafi on duty can never stop such a rischiesta of Justice.
Helping Africa to go out alone from his situation is, indeed, also to help ourselves, selfishly, to maintain our status quo, because we must never forget that the beautiful country they left, between 1870 and 1930, more than 25 million Italians and certainly not because they did not like the climate and territory.

Richard Bean
Culturidea Association President (Pistoia)


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