ascoltatata The first person in 2000, was a foreign woman with a regular residence permit that was in the middle to speak about his situation economica.delle its difficulties. The last hearing, in December 2010, is a man, a foreigner, that because of the lack of jobs in our area have lost their residence permit acquired many years ago .. with him have lost their family members, and with tragic difficulties that her children have grown up in italia.che what happened in these years in our area? Among all that we have observed in recent years the attention we would like to particular aspects. Until 2008, the Center is occupied almost entirely of foreigners and that's because they tried to find any support in the years to survive in a strange land, among strangers. Their being "foreigners" will facilitate in overcoming the fear that others may see their country's difficulties, such other country are foreigners, are essential sconosciuti.altro believe it is the need for support to understand and enter our world, from bureaucracy to the office, the basic needs. 2002 was the year of the Bossi-Fini law, and with it the beginning of an ordeal full of proclamations, gaps and defects claims organization and proclamations of immigration control that did not stop the flow of illegal immigrants, that we are simply "people without rights" on the Italian territory. over the years we have heard people "nonexistent" that .. however, brought their difficulties, their sofferenze.persone who were enrolled from the world of work in that "black work" where we saw the disappearance of the rule of law which we very much welcome the many ... Over the years the law has tightened up, permits for health can not be converted into residence permits, the permits on the basis of art. 31 of the constitution have disappeared. in 2007 with the flows we have seen the staging of "international calls" of workers staying illegally in Italy. those of us who take a stranger to work .. stranger who lives across the world? And in fact to queue at the post office there were foreigners and not employers. the latest idea to emerge was the regularization of illegal work in 2009 on caregivers and domestic helpers when Italy was now bent to the lack of lavoro.chissà many false assumptions to the illegality? And who knows how many people have never had that permission? Because the withdrawal of the permit ciera not work anymore. How many other things we could say about the Italian immigration law, I well remember those who wanted it, but also to those who have not modificata.ed today? Today really reach the most important issue, more serious, as we said recalling the last person heard: the economic crisis begins to bring in clandestine conditions those individuals / families over the years have built their life in Italy: work, home , school. We collected the fees when they worked and now that no longer work can go back to illegal immigrants? we are talking about lives, not objects. it comes to children born in Italy, people now integrated, because those who remain illegal because permission will not lose the economic crisis, we could not predict it? 3 renewals are enough for unemployment in Italy that in 2008 he began to lose jobs? There is another year, not at all dear to our heart, 2003, when they lost the guarantees of work and still talking about foreigners we met people who could not get or renew a permit for reunification with temporary contracts . 2003, however, was also the year Start the plight of many Italians .. that these so-called forward contracts, found themselves living in the same poverty of foreigners, including a swing in and out of poverty and without any security. people who come to the center often, especially Italians a low profile in education and training that leads them to work, no longer humble, but insecure and with the greatest difficulty to be employed. 2008 has begun to increase the number of Italians, from January 2009 in an exponential manner, if the percentage of Italians for years has been maintained on a 30%, now nearly equal, but with a further observation: many return. Increase of Italians is accompanied by a return of those people who fortunately in recent years had not needed the center, but now have more mortgages to pay loans taken when they were "good." every day we see not only large numbers occupying the newspapers, large corporations that close, but also the employees of small craftsmen, people who work for power had taken the game of "vat" the many people who yesterday had never thought of enter into a center "caritas" what will happen in 2011 when expire redundancy, mobility, residence permits? What we do is minimal, listen, accompany, to give a bundle of clothes or food, however, we convinced that it is great that we see passing on people's lives and take this anniversary and to say to make them available to talk and to accommodate ..
Daniela Bernardini
Caritas Agliana
Caritas Agliana
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