Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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The British Labour Party and social positions

Ed Miliband, forty newly elected leader of British Labour Party, is a supporter of organizations " grassroots, imagining a party more open and dynamic applications for renewal in placing side from the company and building a party that works for people. The young secretary said: "We must reduce the deficit, but we must do much more ... "Reduce the growing inequity between rich and poor, which not only harms the poor, but the proper flow of money and then all".

A theme that runs through all of the growing inequalities that Western countries. If we think we can recall that Italy Valletta in the golden years of Fiat Gains received a ten times higher than a worker, but today it feels Marchionne a hundred times.
Inequalities new face with new forms of work: project workers, temporary employment, VAT and demand protection and make urgent representation to the birth of a new reform of the European and Italian linked to new protections that go beyond the old idea of "class struggle". Consider, for example, the issue raised by Ichino on the design of a single contract of "input" to the problem of tax reforms and large families to support the employees themselves.

This is a new challenge, "inter-" that awaits the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party must be able to intercept even these new instances from the weaker groups in Italian society that can not be attributed to the traditional trade unions, to put it Ermanno Gorrieri "nothing is more unjust than to divide equally between unequal."

Miliband in Britain in the case thinks that "social radicalism" should be rediscovered and closer to the world of voluntary associations ("grassroots").
The new Labour leader seems to want to mitigate, but not without appeal to condemn the liberal emphasis of New Labour Lair is proposing a "capitalism for the people." Ed Miliband praised the role the Socialist Movement "Christian" plays in the same Labour Party.
We, perhaps remembering the contribution that Dossetti, Fanfani, Lazzati Vanoni and gave the history of this country, we should go back to think of anything more than just "open up" to social justice.
should, in fact, urgent reflection on themes such as "bonuses" of employees to be tied to local union and bargaining for specific companies.

Social justice, economic development also accompanied by sacrifices and austerity policies are the "new frontiers" throughout the European left and the Italian Democratic Party.

Alessandro Natali

Friday, January 21, 2011

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The collapse of the Second Republic is not made in the reforms

In 1994 one of the flagships of the campaign was the abolition of the Forza Italy "withholding agent", unfortunately it did nothing. So in 1998 the Radicals turned to the European Court, sponsored by a tax known by the name of Giulio Tremonti, unjust and unfair to declare the obligation of "withholding agent" for companies. The High Court gave reason to the applicants, because the employers do not had found no benefit from this obligation imposed on them by the state. However, the issue has remained a dead letter and the argument is even released by the campaign. This is one of the examples that could be done to show how and what these last 20 years of Italian political and social life is a failure.
What we expected, after Italy's reconstruction boom, welfare and the conflicts between different visions (North Atlantic Treaty vs Warsaw Pact) was an Italy finally normal and modern.
The thing did not seem impossible. It was necessary to sort and rearrange the responsibilities of Provinces (or even abolish them!) To merge many of the Italian municipalities (the vast majority!) Under 5 thousand inhabitants, to liberalize the market and begin to combat tax evasion with the only system that works, namely in force in the U.S. (of course in a progressive and non-traumatic).
addition was to be the question of the professional and dealt with some seriousness of the leviathan legificazione Italian taking a terrible warning to the precept of the philosopher and jurist Bruno Leoni, "where there is legislated, there is less freedom, "contends that the Commission Cassese in 1996 in the beautiful country, there were already more than 200 thousand.
What happened instead in the last twenty years? The middle class, as evidenced by all the indicators system has been greatly impoverished, practices in order to start a business and keep it in place have been further complicated becoming increasingly expensive. We have all forgotten the only serious reform ever undertaken in the public sector (the Bassanini) and, instead of reducing it, we have given more space to the State in everyone's life. An example? My grandfather was a farmer if he were still alive today, every time I had to dig a pit on his farm where he disposed of would then declare the land would be removed and maybe even some hard-working authorities prepared to make him pay for disposal as "special waste".

Richard Bean
Association President Culturidea Pistoia

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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After the "bunga bunga "and the catastrophe of bad government of the center-right PD is 25%. A discussion of some proposals.

The PD at 25 % is certainly an anomaly! is a fact that should give pause to every democrat that contrasts with the results of failed policies of the center right and the scandals of which we are astonished spectators.

The Bank of Italy that has occurred in the third quarter of 2010, GDP slowed to 0.3 per cent on the previous period and that the economic activity, particularly industrial production, it would be greatly weakened. The same behavior of household consumption has been confirmed in a cautious, reflecting the weakness of disposable income and the outlook uncertain about the condition of the labor market. The Bank of Italy also points out that employment is still not recovered, confirming that the reduction is more pronounced among young people.

In short, this is a complete debacle of who governs Italy.

The image of the center-right does not improve even for the well-known "party" of the premier. "Just the idea" - writes Tarquin director of the Future - "a man who sits at the top of state institutions is involved in the stories of prostitution, and worse yet, child prostitution hurts and upsets." The same Cardinal Bagnasco, president of CEI, does not comment, saying: "He has already spoken Future." Even on the image we see, then, that the conduct of Silvio Berlusconi begin to raise doubts, personal assessment is still too timid, in the same Italian Episcopal Conference.

Given this situation tell us what the political polls?

  • center-right (PDL + + the right Northern League): 42.5% - Central (UDV, FLI, MPA, API): 14.0% - Centre-(PD, IDV, SEL, FED.SIN and other center-left): 40.0% - Movement 5 star + Other: 3.5% (IPR Marketing for the Republic with as many as 19,000 interviews - January 19, 2011);
  • PD lost between December 2010 and January 2011 0, 4% resulting in an intention to vote 24.3% of the sample (EMG TG La7 January 18, 2011).

Then Silvio Berlusconi and his center-right , despite the disastrous results and embarrassing situations, can postpone their defeat in the political scene.

This means that in our country there is a difficulty in the affirmation of a credible political alternative .

The PD, which is otherwise a party size matter, it fails totally to intercept the disappointment of the PDL, which are, apparently, to strengthen the lines of the undecided, those who abstain at most of the "third pole".

The PD had lost its vocation and seeking major alliances, sometimes difficult to implement, likely to arise in a subordinate position, despite being the subject numerically essential political and cultural alternative to the "berluconismo.

I believe that the region has, however, Bersani, but Veltroni and Renzi, when they say that it must be from a draft of a new Italy, a modern, progressive, supportive and reformist.

Italy will be the idea that we want to find consensus, seeking alliances with all those forces who want to govern our country so different from what has been done by the Berlusconi government - Tremonti - Bossi.

be progressives and reformers not mean to condemn the minority in defense of a class or a social component, but implies a conscious responsibility to take charge of all human society, local, national and global, giving answers that can advance the individual and society in accordance with the ideals of justice, freedom and solidarity.

be progressive and reformist means not just tackle a bad innovation, but also not to take it on to opponents of the change in the protection of the status quo.

Being progress and reforms leading to speak out , considering the debate and discussion as time for reaching a firm proposal for the government.

In this phase of "agony" of Italy we discuss some essential elements of an alternative project in Italy.

In front of the government's silence on the case FIAT believe that the world of social relations and representation of all stakeholders must work to "change" their ways of behavior. We must be clear that employer and employee are bound by a common destiny. It is therefore imperative to give Start to more advanced forms of economic democracy, allowing employees to participate in company profits and "Governance" of the same (public companies, pension funds etc.)..

Opposite all'ipocrita cultural squalor of Berlusconi and friends who offer themselves as "champions" of the family must be carriers of clear policies to support families : introduction of a fair system of taxation in our family quotient ; support to families with economic difficulties of health enhancing social experiences of the third sector. At the same time we must give protect the rights and duties of people permanently living , making our own, for example, former DICO bill of Bindi.

In front of the non-government responses to the crisis of small and medium-sized Italian entrepreneurs who we must understand that in the midst of economic difficulties they wonder why half of their work should go to fund a state away and inefficient. The federalism, we must become our own flag, but a federal solidarity, responsibility, not a type of centralism regionalistic "boss".

In front of a culture and private-monopoly of the current system of government Italian, we strongly support the protection of water as a common good of humanity , but also the management of the service industry, the role of local governments in decisions of custody and the need for an adjustment and strong public independent.

front of the increasingly urgent nuclear recipe submitted reply of the Berlusconi government in the first place with proposals for fuel efficiency, lower costs for families and businesses, and development of renewable sources. Several scientific organizations argue that you can save about 30% of the energy we consume today, particularly heat. Just projects and measures for energy efficiency in homes and businesses can, as evidenced by tax incentives, strengthen the green economy and our industrial system.

These are points of reflection for me that clearly should be present in our Project Italy.

Looking at our own house we must not fear confrontation: Berlinguer and the PCI Napolitano discussed in DC and Moro Fanfani. Only where the parties do not argue bad things can happen.

Carlo Bartolini

Monday, January 17, 2011

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For a law on the party form

In recent years we have witnessed a general erosion of the role of parties in democratic function provided for in Article 49 of the Constitution.
The question of "legal status of parties" is widely debated and largely unresolved until the beginning of the Republic.
It was then the parties to recognize a different role from that played in pre-fascist.
the concern not to return to the liberal scheme was sensitive axes Dossetti Joseph, who in the course of the work of the Constituent Assembly declared its orientation in favor of a legislative framework in the organization of political parties, noting " that democracy today is moving towards an address other than the formalistic structure of parliamentary democracy than fifty years ago, address the need to interpret and convey because of the possibility of discipline and consolidation of this new democratic reality will depend on the possibility of the existence of democracy .
At the same time in the same period De Gasperi, the issue was that the unchecked power of the parties degenerated to the point of stifling the autonomy of civil society, such as selecting persons to be entrusted with tasks such as applications and only on the basis of party loyalty and not on the basis of the recognition of the professionalism, respect and consensus.
So good to see the Italian democracy was born with this genesis: the emergence of political parties first and then the state.
Long citizenship has resulted in the affirmation of belonging ideological party with all that this has generated is derived in terms of its reaction with oligarchic populist politics and a widespread lack of political ethics and culture of citizenship. The Democratic Party
also born in the second republic, with this focus back to the citizens the "primacy of politics" through the direct involvement with the primaries and the life "regulated by law" in the parties.
the Reform Treaty of the Democratic Party this is also to insist on a law governing the lives of citizens participation in the life of parties and electoral legislation consistent with our constitutional values.
Back to the values \u200b\u200bof our "Republican Constitution" also serves to guide our political process.

Alessandro Natali

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cruising Spots Fairfax

san piero Agliana, the opening decades of the old Listening caritas "Don Tonino Bello

ascoltatata The first person in 2000, was a foreign woman with a regular residence permit that was in the middle to speak about his situation economica.delle its difficulties. The last hearing, in December 2010, is a man, a foreigner, that because of the lack of jobs in our area have lost their residence permit acquired many years ago .. with him have lost their family members, and with tragic difficulties that her children have grown up in italia.che what happened in these years in our area? Among all that we have observed in recent years the attention we would like to particular aspects. Until 2008, the Center is occupied almost entirely of foreigners and that's because they tried to find any support in the years to survive in a strange land, among strangers. Their being "foreigners" will facilitate in overcoming the fear that others may see their country's difficulties, such other country are foreigners, are essential sconosciuti.altro believe it is the need for support to understand and enter our world, from bureaucracy to the office, the basic needs. 2002 was the year of the Bossi-Fini law, and with it the beginning of an ordeal full of proclamations, gaps and defects claims organization and proclamations of immigration control that did not stop the flow of illegal immigrants, that we are simply "people without rights" on the Italian territory. over the years we have heard people "nonexistent" that .. however, brought their difficulties, their sofferenze.persone who were enrolled from the world of work in that "black work" where we saw the disappearance of the rule of law which we very much welcome the many ... Over the years the law has tightened up, permits for health can not be converted into residence permits, the permits on the basis of art. 31 of the constitution have disappeared. in 2007 with the flows we have seen the staging of "international calls" of workers staying illegally in Italy. those of us who take a stranger to work .. stranger who lives across the world? And in fact to queue at the post office there were foreigners and not employers. the latest idea to emerge was the regularization of illegal work in 2009 on caregivers and domestic helpers when Italy was now bent to the lack of lavoro.chissà many false assumptions to the illegality? And who knows how many people have never had that permission? Because the withdrawal of the permit ciera not work anymore. How many other things we could say about the Italian immigration law, I well remember those who wanted it, but also to those who have not modificata.ed today? Today really reach the most important issue, more serious, as we said recalling the last person heard: the economic crisis begins to bring in clandestine conditions those individuals / families over the years have built their life in Italy: work, home , school. We collected the fees when they worked and now that no longer work can go back to illegal immigrants? we are talking about lives, not objects. it comes to children born in Italy, people now integrated, because those who remain illegal because permission will not lose the economic crisis, we could not predict it? 3 renewals are enough for unemployment in Italy that in 2008 he began to lose jobs? There is another year, not at all dear to our heart, 2003, when they lost the guarantees of work and still talking about foreigners we met people who could not get or renew a permit for reunification with temporary contracts . 2003, however, was also the year Start the plight of many Italians .. that these so-called forward contracts, found themselves living in the same poverty of foreigners, including a swing in and out of poverty and without any security. people who come to the center often, especially Italians a low profile in education and training that leads them to work, no longer humble, but insecure and with the greatest difficulty to be employed. 2008 has begun to increase the number of Italians, from January 2009 in an exponential manner, if the percentage of Italians for years has been maintained on a 30%, now nearly equal, but with a further observation: many return. Increase of Italians is accompanied by a return of those people who fortunately in recent years had not needed the center, but now have more mortgages to pay loans taken when they were "good." every day we see not only large numbers occupying the newspapers, large corporations that close, but also the employees of small craftsmen, people who work for power had taken the game of "vat" the many people who yesterday had never thought of enter into a center "caritas" what will happen in 2011 when expire redundancy, mobility, residence permits? What we do is minimal, listen, accompany, to give a bundle of clothes or food, however, we convinced that it is great that we see passing on people's lives and take this anniversary and to say to make them available to talk and to accommodate ..
Daniela Bernardini
Caritas Agliana

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FIAT, Unions, referendum, a democratic thought

I try to put myself in the shoes of a worker of Mirafiori. I think of a family, children to take to school, the cost to support, mortgages to pay. I think today the difference between having a base salary, but a salary, and not having anyone.
of these days I think the referendum, which economists marks the choice between different production models, to me that between marks only survive or drown.
Everything else does not count, and tracking of the noise of politicians, editorialists embroidering analysis that seem taken from text books are crap. For those working today there is just this choice. Survive or drown.
In this definitive and categorical choice is the key issue. The powerlessness of the workers, with unions that may or may accept the choices of the block (see CISL and UIL) or rejected in the same block, condemned to isolation (see Fiom). In both these cases the opposite is apparent that a trade union can no longer do its job: to represent workers and negotiate with the company the best compromise possible.
realistically hope to win, yes, because the worse the better it would leave too many people out of work when the crisis blows and welfare cuts are made harder.
For Fiat-workers-not only losing his job would be a defeat even worse than a contract that I do not like trucks because the fundamental rights of those who work with a meager salary and a contract with fewer safeguards.
But every honest Democrat should ask because we got to this point, because, let's say that in a republic founded on work, workers are no longer the beating heart, but only one of the gears of the company, subject to the dictatorship of a more or less in the stock market trends .
Some people even left speaks of modernity. It 's inevitable that to compete with the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese have to become a bit' more like them?
China today means economic growth, but at the cost of low wages, child labor, occupational accidents, of a communist dictatorship that represses the rights of its citizens from the strike. E ' this modernity? It 's so we want our society in 10 or 20 years?
have to worry about competing on the welfare besides wealth, because without one the other is ephemeral. We must bring forward a new European social pact that gives more power to citizens and reduce the excessive power delegated financial oligarchies. It 's a challenge to freedom that has factual basis.
An example. Workers at Chrysler have made so many sacrifices, but even in a society much less sensitive to the rights of our labor-Marchionne could not put the gun on the counter charge of the relocation. The reason is simple: the workers of Chrysler is now the main shareholders, and management of that company administrator is answerable only to the dark forces of finance, but also to the faces in the flesh of his employees.
It seems to me a sacrosanct principle. Even in Germany for many years, workers participating in the profits or business decisions, and this guarantees better than anything else is the much-trumpeted "governability" of the factories-is-a very concrete rights and wages of workers. Not surprisingly, even administrators Volkswagen could not threaten to move production abroad, and indeed have had to offer compensation to the workers as a guarantee of 0 redundancies until 2014.
The challenge of a reformist force of twenty-first century must be to break the workers in government enterprises, become involved and not just passive labor. The Italian (and European) modernity should be a little 'more German and a little' less Chinese.
final consideration. The Democratic Party is the party of labor. We as a foundational vocation to be on the side of those who are weaker: the workers at Mirafiori like this whole world that the right of government relegated to the insecurity. Young temporary workers, employers struggling with a mortgage to pay, pensioners, students have no future.
E 'this world that is part of our history. And through the tears of an old pensioner, who at the gates of Mirafiori crying because this part of workers, those who have less protection, continues to divide, and the celebrations of those who "so if the referendum goes wrong, we'll celebrate elsewhere we know with no uncertainty to be.
And who gets the side of the strongest, or niche, you know not to represent not only the position of the PD, not only our people but the very reason for our staying together.

Once Luke
Councillor PD in Montecatini Terme

Friday, January 14, 2011

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work ... If we think of the Continent Africa Europe are without a future

Our civilized world insists on ignoring the problem of problems of this millennium, approndando hairpieces solutions for it, preferring accordicchi genuflections to tyrants and shift to a radical change in the action to start to solve it.
This problem has a name: Africa. The paradox that is linked to this name calling responsibilities of the West "civilized."
A paradox which concerns a paradigm incontrovertible. In view of the increased resources that developed countries spend in support of the African continent, not only do not see the fruits, but rather the situation even worse if not watertight.
If we take the trouble to ask the "why" of this individual who worked in Africa for the liberation of his land, we would respond in a simple and direct: you're working to maintain this situation.
It sounds amazing and would be reminded of the "dark plots of capitalism and its many tentacles, but there is no anti-market ideology to explain to us what our African friends.
I who have the good fortune to work through the Association Culturidea and the Congolese for the overall wellbeing of all, to build an education center / sports Pistoia dedicated to a missionary in the Bas-Congo, I have done several times this question to the young graduates Congolese there are on the front line, risking their lives for their people.
These friends smile when asked if indeed there is a problem of "hunger" in Africa. They smile and say, "The problem is that you send us for free rice from Italy, how much does all this rice? Then here you do get free and ruined the little market of those who cultivate the ground. Let us cultivate our lands, stops the purchase of our wild resources, and fund our schools, let us educate and we will emerge from our own poverty. "
Their argument is clear. The system of international aid organizations that manage it are more functional to the maintenance of the grounds for exclusion (and thus aid) than to their solution. As an old adage used to say "the problem is not finding work, but always keep."
Basically what we tell our friends in Africa is that, apart from calls and advertising campaigns of large global organizations, we are not really helping this continent to escape from the brink.
The thing that should make us reflect, however, is this. Only in Nigeria there are more than 90milioni of people between 13 and 20 years who do not know how to put together the ends meet, and no agreement with Gaddafi on duty can never stop such a rischiesta of Justice.
Helping Africa to go out alone from his situation is, indeed, also to help ourselves, selfishly, to maintain our status quo, because we must never forget that the beautiful country they left, between 1870 and 1930, more than 25 million Italians and certainly not because they did not like the climate and territory.

Richard Bean
Culturidea Association President (Pistoia)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Referendum to be two of the three public water

The Constitutional Court said two of the eligible referendum required in favor of public water.

The questions allowed were the first and third of those submitted by Referendar and have seen many of us actors in collecting signatures.

The first question is essential "To stop the privatization of water." In fact, it is proposed the repeal of Article 23 of Law 133/08 (Ronchi Decree) and is related to the privatization of public services of economic

The third question, the other admitted, needed to "eliminate profits private "dall'commercio water.
this latter referendum seeks to repeal Article 154 of Legislative Decree 152/06, limited to the first paragraph that stipulates that the fee for water service to be established taking into account" adequacy of return on invested capital. "
In summary you are asked to remove the possibility for the operator to gain guaranteed profits on price, charging the bill to a 7% return on invested capital without tying it to a logic of re-investment of these profits to improve the quality of the service. Let us prepare


Carlo Bartolini

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Blueprints For A Salon

still dream a new party

I have always olive trees, and always convinced belief in the ability to form a mature democracy and a better Italy, where there is also the alternation of governments.

But to govern must have a strong party (with shared ideas and projects), a leadership that knows how to make synthesis of values \u200b\u200band has projects and new men for the future.

agree with the analysis of those who give to the project passed the "union", with its consequences: first of all the antiberlusconismo, which can not be either the first or main center-left coalition of the clotting factor. We Democrats are not
antiberlusconiani a-priori, but by virtue of a clear alternative plan, purposeful and carried on with a style all our own, which starts by listening to people (to start with the weaker segments of the population) and force may importance as the primary selection tool and political debate inside the party, free of strife in their own end.

I realize even the contradictions expressed by my party. At the beginning our founders had great expectations, which unfortunately have not yet been realized.
I think the most dangerous risk of PD current action at the level of local administration, is a sort of addiction to the dominant culture of the center, which has nothing to do with our values. Our policy should be, and Other High; must be truly transparent, it must give the signs of discontinuity with strong actions, values \u200b\u200band policies of reference are: thrift in public expenditure, participation, Social care and prevention of emergencies (eg, families in difficulty), the protection of our territory and our cultures (continuously in dialogue - in comparison with the other) and economically sustainable development, in particular an urgent need to take clear and precise positions on issues, together local and global, such as land use, water and waste.

If our position on such issues will be clear (the Gospel "Let your speech be yes, yes, no, no), people will understand and will follow us. If
otherwise continue with "a pull to get by" old-fashioned well-deserved end will be our policy. We can not

Democrats typically afford tightrope-dalemiani, who prefer the tactical-political agreement. Before any agreement is necessary to discuss a common agenda, decide exactly a clear line to follow and check on our strategic locations where there are convergences. To start this action I think they are necessary laboratories all over the country, which are both training and proposal, to ensure that the new policy, collecting the needs and proposals of the territories to become truly democratic.
was the idea (implemented) of the Fabric of Prodi and time of the Fabric of Niki. We Democrats are so generous to make up their proposals, throwing to the winds and become "snatch" the ideas from Other: stop being so self-defeating! The resources are there and should be exploited!

Peter Rosellini

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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The stages of PD January

Thursday, January 13 Bersani meet the party leadership. The "scrap" of Civati \u200b\u200bhave instead called for the day before a "parallel direction" in Rome, Saturday, January 22 while in Turin Veltroni has called the "Lingotto 2", a mythical place where the former secretary and former candidate for premiership made his keynote speech.
Renzi? It will not be in Rome or the 12th or the 13th. In Turin? It is not yet known.

In the first analysis (Reassure her that there is certainly the first instinct), I would be screaming, but they are mad? Then I try to understand the positions.

Bersani, in an open letter published before the direction, the opposition is calling for a rescue on the theme of reform and social issues. Invokes a reform that can change the political agenda, by focusing on the needs of the Italians. The Secretary of the Democratic Party, addressing the third prong all'IdV and UDC and Fli says: "Those who oppose Berlusconi knows that today we must look beyond Berlusconi." In brief proposes a "reorganization of parliamentary democracy", "a new basic agreement on economic and social terrain founding as those of taxation and social relations. "From there we read, I think, an attempt to put clearly to the left of the Democratic Party more centrist forces, clearly delegated to a social democratic position. Vendola In fact at this stage appears increasingly continuity with Bertinotti, or rather a vision of the political class and sectarian.
Bersani speaks also of "adjustment", denying fortunately, the "freezing" of the system of primaries, "adjusting to the changes of recent Statute. "The secretary, in particular, should explain his intentions. What does it mean to" adjustment "? Listen with curiosity and concern about the results of the next direction.

The group of "Next Stop Italy " who had already made an appointment for January 16 in Bologna, you will see in Rome Jan. 12, exactly one day before the direction of PD. Why?
The battle to save the primaries has rightly taken to Civati \u200b\u200band all the "scrappers" the drama of those who see their survival at stake. To these Democrats their generational horizon necessarily coincide with the chance to compete for the leadership of the Democratic Party, which is why the primary defense of the siege of those who want to freeze, which has already been convened, it proclaimed in the future and "fix" in the present, has become the main goal of this group.

And veltroniani? Or rather those Democratic Movement? They swear they do not want a count, or battles for leadership. Then, however, warned: If you do not go to elections, if in fact there is no emergency that requires the tight rows and "get a helmet to go into combat," then "we need a Congress anticipated." The same Ceccanti notes that emerge all the nodes in PD, because the party has moved left to make a deal with Casini, however, does not want it, thinking rather than to dialogue in the center.

Personally I think that December 14, the day of confidence for three votes to Berlusconi, was marked by the failure of the line "all against Berlusconi," the idea that a cartel of all opposition while sending a populist right-wing and basically home this "violent".
I think, in fact, that we can not govern with the only adhesive anti Berlusconi (who composed very respectable value even if the sad experience of the Union), but that it should propose a clear indication of an alternative political content before, and alliances.
Today, more than ever, there is need for a reform agenda to be submitted to the Italians, a new model of doing politics that puts the public affairs and citizens in their communities at the center.
must be taken the high road of the first PD. Or you raise the design of the PD or there is no solution.

I sincerely hope that the direction of January 13, the only official moment, be the occasion for a comparison of clarification between the different identity of the party. These political positions, all respectable, it is best to emerge clearly if we find a summary on the contents.
Bersani and the ruling class will have the task of synthesis and not to escape from dialectical and democratic.
Undoubtedly, the removal of the possibility of early elections will help the secretariat to set a healthy process of participation from the base that is able to stimulate an initial discussion of content, theme, within the existing regional bodies.
Otherwise, faced with serious economic and social crisis we are experiencing, we will be less able to give concrete answers and less understandable in the eyes of our constituents.

Carlo Bartolini

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HAPPY 2011 !!!!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

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Sallusti mad and insults and Adinolfi Cofferati

This write-off of television is fining people when faced with ideological bias in comparison to a violent debate. Great is the intervention, peaceful and democratic end of Cofferati. What can I say! I recommend Ascoli is certainly expressive of the "culture" that tries to govern Italy today.
Resist, resist, resist.

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The recovery of PD and that I would

"Red Rose White Rose" is also the name of a successful book by Giorgio Tonini thought that in a forerunner to the contamination of progressive culture in the nineties.
White Rose also mentions the partisan struggle in Italy and Nazi Germany, red rose is the symbol of a thought that is part of us albeit not esuastiva "European socialist thought."
The attempt of this experience which projects beyond those roots and tries to position itself on the debate and the Democratic Party of today inotrono year of grace 2011.
We all are witnessing in these days and facing the risk of formation of a new center-right Berlusconi addition, the risk of closing in the compound of the boundaries of the left, like, minus the great charm of his narration, he asks Nichi Vendola, as would agree to work actively to the success of our opponents.
On the other hand the pursuit the third pole in the name of democratic emergency, may reduce us to a negotiating tool of the Contracting Parties of the new center-right.
The task before us is another, again and revive the political project in the name of which was born three years ago the Democratic Party, a project based on the assumption that the meeting between the political cultures that gave birth to Republic could generate a new thought, which meant the connotation most democratic identity as 'strong, because most' advanced than twentieth century.
A thought that speaks to Italy Deep plural, popular and hard-working, and then power a government program dedicated to "change."
A thought on a great party and open, powered by a vote of the citizens and members through the primaries, because tolerant and plural curious, strong and united.
short, a party capable of contending for the new center-right, the role of " parts of the country" as he said Nino Andreatta, because before the combination of "governance-restraint" on what seems to materialize the profile of the new center- right, will propose our combination: the pair " government-reform", the only puo'aggredire structural nodes of the Italian crisis, making value the great energies and resources of which Italy has. And the only way we can aggregate a new field of progressive army forces around a common vocation majority .
Alessandro Natali

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Never See Cervical Mucus

Osteria Ponceria - "La Vecchia Livorno - Pescia (PT)

We have been in this restaurant a few times to eat together and talk about politics. Here we decided to create "The white rose and red rose."
We are very well because you eat a really good fish, there is a "poor" cuisine at Livorno at great prices.
The restaurant is located in a place where there is little else besides the restaurant, but is easily accessible and there being a good public parking just in front of the train station in Pescia.
The host is always friendly, it is not PD, but many on the left but not very "tolerant" with the "miscommunication."
As a good "livornesaccio" the landlord has seen the world and is a pleasure to listen to talk about good eating, good drinking, politics and his life. When you enter you see a picture of what to say ... THAT! El pueblo unido Jamas
será be defeated

(Via della Stazione 20 Pescia - PT - Tel 0572 445 597)

Different Levels Of Kitchenaid Mixers

Reflection of PD and future ...

As some know I am not a "Bersani," but my political debate coincides with some distinction (for me it's always impossible to fully align) with the Bersani says in this video ( watch? v = mJesnoKhvzM ).
I would like you, like friends, a simple schematic summary of my thoughts, and invite you to listen to the interview of the Secretary.

Before we start the policy.
The PD must create an alternative plan that clearly knows how to give concrete answers to the problems of Italy (personal note ... it's also what he says Renzi!). Now here's the problem. How to give birth to this program PD, Bersani calls it "platform." I think you should have on the territory of the Laboratories of the PD (Democratic Laboratories is to Vendola, but why do not you remember the same experience of "committees" of the Olive?). From the territory, the democratic participation of members and citizens should start ideas, instances then be developed nationally in the party. I do not think a program imposed from above. Being democratic means in the first instance, to create dialogue, to give opportunities to participate in the policy compared to many people as possible.

Then it comes to alliances.
From the "platform" democratic The PD should talk to all those who intend to stand in "alternative government" to the populist right-wing Berlusconi. Note well, I talked about alternative to the government not only to alternative or opposition. We need to "escape" from the EU experience: all in and still win enough numerically. We must ally ourselves with those who want to govern Italy, and not represent just one class-instances. We need to talk with open minds, but with clarity and accountability. In this phase, the PD will have to seek mediation, which is the policy that high. Only in this way the Democratic Party, becoming the center of a different way of understanding the management of "public", you will discover his major vocation, namely the desire to represent all instances of Italian society by addressing the reformist government to put an alternative grounded in justice and solidarity.

domestic primary and primary coalition
For the selection of candidates for the Democratic primary in every case, no ifs, ands or buts. Primary territory, leading Democrats who know how to ask the citizens and the members who in their opinion is the best candidate in the Democratic Party.
Regarding the primary coalition even here I see very positive, if we start from the "platform" mediated between those forces that are placed in an alternative to the current (S) Berlusconi government. In this case the application is even easier: Who do you think best represents the leadership of government that can beat this right-to-value-and-Politics? So, not who is more like you in your political thinking, but who do you think has more chance of winning. In this way I believe that the choice of leadership emerge from the "fences" of the party with great freedom and with no selfish thought that at the heart of the project is not a leader, but the victory and a credible alternative government.

Carlo Bartolini