Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Watch South Park The Movie Streaming

The diocese and lifestyles friends

"We must learn to use water with moderation and without waste." It 's the fifth call of a "campaign" special - all facing the water - which joined the Diocese of Pistoia on the recommendation of Bishop Smith and by two of his pastoral office.
It's called " A campaign for the Easter season " and is promoted by the network inter-diocesan " New lifestyles" with the accession of a dozen Italian dioceses. For several days - and explain Marcello Suppressa Selma Ferral, director of the diocesan offices for Caritas and the Social Pastoral - joined, first in Italy, also the Diocese of Pistoia.
The "manifesto" is composed of eleven points and is divided into four chapters. The first (" Water: Gift of God and the common good ") has a more pastoral, remembering how the water is "one of the great gifts of Creation, by which God gives life to all creatures." Returning to the Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Church, the manifesto states that "access to water is a universal inalienable right" to be added that the campaign for water is "a Christian proposal above all political and ideological, an invitation to adopt lifestyles and behaviors that protect this precious resource policy, ensuring their availability to all. "
In the next chapter ("Lifestyles friends water") there are no concrete proposals to save water: choose, for example, the shower instead of bath, do not leave taps running, prevent losses, be careful in the choice of products, favoring the use of water from the tap and when absolutely necessary to use mineral water, then at least those preferring bottled close to home ("zero kilometer").
It then enters a more "political" stressing that water is "a right to be protected " means the water can not be treated as a mere commodity, the authorities must ensure "quality" and the Water management should be "community-oriented participation of all and not determined by the logic of profit."
And you put your feet even in the narrow view of the forthcoming referendum on water management. The invitation to "participate actively in the debate" ahead of a meeting "which aims to safeguard the water as a common and universal law, not to become a private market or re-privatization ripubblicizzandola but through a form of participatory governance, and water services. "
all "religious" the eleventh and last "commandment" with a call to prayer, and action, in the days of Lent. "We contemplate the water, in personal and communal prayer as a practice, as a sign of life-giving love that God gives each of us and the human family."
A campaign for the Easter season sponsored by the Network interdiocesan New Lifestyles
Water: gift of God and the common good
1) Water is one of the great gifts of creation, through which God gives life to all His creatures. Not surprisingly, most of the religions of humanity sees it as a sign of the presence of mystery and a symbol of purification and rebirth. The same Easter season invites you to experience the light of the Risen Lord, discovering it as a "spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4, 14).
2) We ourselves, like so many other living beings, we are made mostly of water and depend on its continuous cycle. The water is so essential to people's lives and access to it is a "universal inalienable right" (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, n.485; cf. Caritas in Veritate 27).
3) "The principle of the universal destination of goods is of course also applies to water" (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, n.484), but the enjoyment of this right is precluded to a large number of human human, with a serious problem of justice. A quarter of the population of the planet, in fact, have no access to a minimal amount of clean water, while over 2.5 billion people lack access to basic sanitation, resulting in the spread of serious diseases are endemic.
4) The campaign "Water, a gift of God and the common good," Christian unaproposta above all political and ideological, is an invitation to adopt lifestyles and behaviors that protect this precious common good, ensuring their availability to all. We offer local churches, construction of paths pastoral, suited to its own territory, leading Christians to rediscover the eyes of Francis, who called the water "sister", renewing their practices consistently.
Lifestyles friends water
5) Water is a precious commodity and its accessibility is limited, we then learn to use it with moderation and without waste. There are many possible practices: choosing a shower instead of bath, not letting the tap running when we brush our teeth or shaving, or even prevent the loss, put the flow reducers on faucets that save water mixing with the ' air.
6) should be careful in the choice of the products we eat and wear, preferring those that require less water for production. Let us remember, for example, that meat production requires lots of water (one kilogram of beef results in an average use of 5,500 liters, while a kilo of chicken meat requires 3,900 liters) and that it takes 10,000 liters of ' water produce a pair of jeans and 2 000 for a cotton T-shirt.
7) is important to focus on the use of tap water, which is good, controlled, convenient and cheap. Its environmental impact is also limited because it does not require or plastic shells, or polluting transport. In those situations where it is absolutely necessary to use mineral water, water will prefer at least a kilometer zero (bottled close to home), we will also try to buy large packages and / or glass to reduce waste production.
a right to be protected
8) The possibility using tap water necessarily requires that the quality is guaranteed by the various authorities in charge of them. A detailed supervision of this is part of the practice of protection of creation which are called Christians.
9) "Water, by its very nature, can not be treated as a mere commodity among others and its use must be rational and solidary," The distribution of water has costs, but on it you can not make a profit because the right to its use is based on the dignity of the human person and not on economic logic (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, n.485). Water is therefore a common good, which requires Community management, focused on participation and not determined by the logic of profit.
10) The right to water must therefore also be guaranteed in law, challenging the laws that reduce it to an economic asset. It will be important, therefore, participate actively in the debate related to the referendum on water management, which aims to safeguard it as a common and universal law, not to become a private commodity or privatized, but ripubblicizzandola through a form of governance and shared services water.
Experience water
11) "And he showed me a river of living water, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb. In the middle of the town square, and a side of the river, there is a tree of life with fruit twelve times a year, bearing fruit every month, the leaves of the tree are used to heal the nations. " (Rev. 22: 1-2). Easter is a time of new life, in which we are invited to participate in the Spirit in the life of the new creation. Contemplate the water - in personal and communal prayer, as in practice - as a sign of life-giving love that God offers to each of us and the human family.
Manifesto signed by the diocese
Andria - Belluno-Feltre - Bolzano-Bressanone - Brescia - Carpi - Cuneo - Milano - Padova - Pescara - Penne - Reggio Emilia - Termoli-Larino - Trento - Vittorio Veneto - Senigallia - Lanciano, Ortona - Pistoia

document received by Marcello Suppressa, Director of Caritas Diocese of Pistoia

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Do You Need To Make A Toy Boat

Understanding water reform "era" of Justice. Let a hand. Right and left

We start from the comparison of the proposals and regulations.

Article 1 Amendment of the Constitution art.87
Article 87 of the Constitution, the tenth paragraph after the word "courts" are added following: "Judges and the Superior Council of Magistracy prosecutor."
(about the President) chairs the Higher Judicial Council.
Comment: E 'consequential to the proposed establishment of two councils for the two careers in the judiciary and prosecutor.

Article 2 amends Title IV of the Constitution
1. Title IV of the Constitution takes the following headings: 'Justice';
2. Section I of Title IV of the Constitution takes the following name: "The bodies'
3. Section II of Title IV of the Constitution takes the following headings: "The jurisdiction."
TITLE IV THE JUDICIARY The Judiciary Section
Section II Rules on Jurisdiction
Comment : Given that the names were already sufficiently clear, I completely beyond the point of this change. So I think that does not unnecessarily change the Constitution a meaning and there will be consequences. Who knows how to tell her.

Article 3 amends Article. 101 of the Constitution
1. The second paragraph of Article .101 of the Constitution reads as follows: "The courts constitute an autonomous and independent of all power and shall be subject only to the law."
Article 101. Justice is administered in the name of the people. Judges are subject only to the law.
Comment: disappears the concept that justice is administered in the name of the people. Then in the name of who will be administered? I like the most current.

Art amending Article 4. 102 of the Constitution
1. The first paragraph of Article. 102 of the Constitution reads as follows:
"The jurisdiction is exercised by ordinary courts are established and governed by rules of court."
Article 102. The judicial function is exercised by ordinary magistrates empowered and regulated by rules of court. May not be established extraordinary judges or specialized courts. They can only be hosted ordinary judicial bodies specialized sections for specific matters with the participation of qualified citizens to foreign courts.
The law regulates the cases and forms of direct participation of the people in the administration of justice.
C omment : related to the separation of careers between judges and prosecutors.

Art 5 New Art. 104 of the Constitution
1. Article 104 of the Constitution reads as follows:
"104. Judges are distinguished judges and prosecutors. The law ensures the separation of the careers of judges and prosecutors. The office the prosecutor is organized according to the rules of the judicial system that ensures the autonomy and independence.. "
Article 104. The judiciary is an autonomous and independent of all other powers.
The Superior Council of Magistracy is presided by the President of the Republic.
Members by law, the first president and the attorney general of the Supreme Court.
The other members are elected for two-thirds of all the ordinary judges belonging to the various categories, and one third by Parliament in joint session from among full professors of universities in the field law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice.
The Council shall elect a vice chairman from among the members appointed by Parliament.
Elected members of the Council remain in office for four years and are not immediately re-elected.
may not, while in office, be registered in professional rolls, nor serve in Parliament or a regional council.
C omment : the differences seem related to the change later.

New Article Article 6. 104-bis of the Constitution.
after Article 104 of the Constitution is included the following: "104-bis. The High Council of judiciary is chaired by the President of the Republic. It is part of the right first president of the Supreme Court. The other members are elected by all ordinary courts in the middle between the same type of eligible candidates after the draw and half
by Parliament in joint session from among university professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of operation. The Council shall elect a chair from among the members
designated by Parliament. Elected members of the Council remain in office for four years and are not re-elected. They may not, while in office, be registered in professional rolls, nor serve in Parliament or a regional council, provincial or municipal level.. "
New Article Section 7. 104-b of the Constitution
after Article 104-bis of the Constitution is included the following:
"104-b. The Superior Council of Magistracy prosecutor is chaired by the President. It is part of law the attorney general of the Supreme Court. The other members are elected by all the prosecutors half among those who belong to the same category
after the draw of the candidates, half by the Parliament in joint session from among university professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of operation. The Council shall elect a chair from among the members appointed by Parliament. Elected members of the Council remain in office for four years and are not re-elected. They may not, while in office, be registered in professional rolls, nor serve in Parliament or a regional council, provincial or municipal level. "
New Article Article 8. 105 of the Constitution Article 105 of the Constitution is replaced by
following: 105. The High Council of the judiciary and prosecutor at the Supreme Judicial Council, under the rules of the judiciary, recruitment, assignments, transfers and promotions in respect of the ordinary courts and prosecutors. The Councils can not adopt a measure of political orientation, nor perform any functions other than those provided for in the Constitution. "
Article 105. The High Council of Magistracy, under the rules of the judicial system, recruitment, assignments and transfers, promotions and disciplinary measures for judges.
C omment Here, too, changes related to the separation. Repetition of a concept then obvious. If by "political" is any opinion even on technical standards in the pipeline. I do not like.

Art New Article 9. 105 bis of the Constitution
1. After Article 105 of the Constitution is included the following:
"105-bis. The disciplinary measures for judges for the Court of discipline of the judiciary and prosecutor. The Court of discipline consists of a section for
judges and a section for prosecutors. The components in each section are elected by Parliament in joint session half and half, respectively, of all the judges and prosecutors. The members elected by Parliament are chosen from among university professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of operation. The members elected by the judges and prosecutors are selected after the draw of the candidates, including those in the respective categories.
The Court of discipline among the members shall elect a chairman appointed by Parliament and each
Section shall elect a chair from among the members appointed by Parliament. The members of the Disciplinary Court shall hold office for four years and are not re-elected. They may not, while in office, be registered as professional rolls, nor hold public office. The law ensures the autonomy and independence of the Court discipline and the principle of due process in carrying out its activities. Against the measures taken by the Court of discipline may be challenged in the Supreme Court on legal grounds.. "

Art amendment, Article 10. 106 of the Constitution
1. In the second paragraph of Article. 106 of the Constitution the words "for all functions by single judges" shall be deleted.
Article 106. The appointment of judges for the competition take place.
The law allows the appointment of the judiciary, even by election, of honorary judges for all functions by single judges. On appointment of the Supreme Judicial Council may be called to the office of Supreme council for their outstanding merits, college professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice and registered in special books for the higher courts.
C omment: being included in the prosecutors, judges, including what it means that someone may appoint prosecutors and fees? Before you appoint only judges.

Article 11 Amendment art. 107 of the Constitution Article 107 of the Constitution are made
the following modifications: a) in the first paragraph, the words "the Supreme Judicial Council" shall be replaced by "of Councils for the judiciary and prosecutor;
b) in the first paragraph shall be added in the end the following sentence: "In case of exceptional needs, identified by law, relating to the organization and operation of services relating to the Councils for Justice may assign judges to other courts." .
Article 107. The magistrates are irremovable. Can not be dismissed or removed from office or assigned to other courts or functions unless following a decision of the Supreme Judicial Council, adopted or for reasons of defense and with the guarantees laid down by the judiciary or with their consent.
The Minister of Justice has the power to take disciplinary action.
Judges are distinguished only by their different functions.
The public prosecutor enjoys the guarantees established in his favor by the rules of the judiciary.
C omment: linked to the division of careers. Added noma transfer.

Article 12 replaces Article.
109 of the Constitution Article 109 of the Constitution reads as follows: "109. The judge and the prosecutor have the police in the manner prescribed by law.. "
Article 109. The court has directly by police.
C omment: the force is simple, clear and great warranty. The proposal refers to a law that may disturb. Because it guarantees that are now in the constitution could be changed monthly with a law. I see it.

Article 13 replaces Article. 110 of the Constitution
1. Article 110 of the Constitution reads as follows:
"110. Without the powers of Councils for the judiciary and prosecutor, the Minister of Justice, the inspection function, organization and operation of the services involved with justice. The Minister of Justice shall report annually to the Houses on the state of justice, concerning the prosecution and the use of means of investigation. "
Article 110. Without the powers of the High Council of the Judiciary, the Minister of Justice, the organization and operation of the services involved with justice.
C omment: enters the responsibility of the Minister "means the use of investigation. What does it mean that the minister will ask for report to be informed about methods of investigation? Not good.

proposed amending Article 14 Article.
In Article 111 of the Constitution. 111 of the Constitution after the eighth paragraph, the following:
"against the judgments of conviction are always allowed the appeal, unless the law provides otherwise in relation to the nature of the offense and penalties and the decision. Acquittals can be appealed only in cases provided by law.. "
Article 111. Jurisdiction is implemented through due process regulated by law.
Each process takes place in between the parties, on an equal footing, before an independent and impartial court. The law provides for the reasonable duration.
In a criminal trial, the law provides that the person accused of a crime is, in the shortest possible time, confidentially informed of the nature and cause of the against him, has the time and conditions needed to prepare his defense, have the authority, the courts, to examine or have examined, the people who make statements against him, to obtain the attendance and examination of persons on their behalf under the same conditions as the prosecution and the acquisition of any other evidence in its favor, to be assisted by an interpreter if he can not understand or speak the language used in the process.
The criminal trial is governed by the rule that the parties in the formation of the test. The guilt of the accused can not be established on the basis of statements made by those who, by choice, it is always voluntarily avoided by the accused or his counsel.
The law regulates the cases in which the formation of contradictory evidence does not occur in the consent of the defendant or proven impossibility of an objective nature or effect of proven misconduct.
All judicial decisions must be justified.
against sentences and against measures on personal freedom pronounced by ordinary courts or special, it is always possible to appeal to the Supreme Court for violation of the law.
You can waive this rule only to the judgments of military courts in wartime.
against decisions of the State Council and the Court of Appeal in the accounts Appeal is permitted only for reasons of jurisdiction.
C omment: the miscarriage of justice also applies in case of acquittal of an accused. This is not to be absolutely fine.

New Article Article 15.
112 of the Constitution Article 112 of the Constitution reads as follows: "Article 112. - The office of the prosecutor
the obligation to prosecute under the criteria established by law.. "
Article 112.
The public prosecutor has the obligation to prosecute.
C omment: even here the certainty of an obligation under the constitution is left to the usual law that any majority of members can buy to change.

New Section II Article 16-bis of Title IV liability of judges
In Title IV of Part II of the Constitution after the Section II, the following is inserted: "Section II-bis" Responsibility for magistrates' 113-bis. Judges are
directly responsible for acts committed in violation of the equal rights of other officials and employees of the State.
The law specifically governing the civil liability of judges for cases of wrongful imprisonment and other unwarranted restriction of personal freedom. The civil liability of magistrates extends to the State. "
C omment: is a clear rule that tends to affect the role of the magistrate. The rules of discipline are already in force. This is different. On this subject see the need for a large and serious debate.

Entry into force of the Reformation and its effect on pending proceedings
Article 17 1. The principles of this Constitutional Law shall not apply to criminal proceedings at the date of its entry into force.
Article 18 1. This Constitutional Act shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic.

Final Comment:
do not see a single article that could lead to changes in the timing of processes.
do not see a single article that brings improvements to the organization of justice. Indeed liability rules could lead to new actions against judges for actions by the other party and thus increasing the number of cases.
An attempt to condition with ordinary laws principles and obligations laid down in the constitution. So a weakening of the rule of law.

Valerio Sichi

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Big Thighs Women Genetics


Research as a permanent feature of human existence, is emerging as an existential condition of our humanity because through it we shall endeavor to resolve a problem by allowing at the same time, an advancement of knowledge. Those who take a research assumes an attitude of conscious, cautious and critical, aimed to test and, if necessary, to eliminate their guesswork, just to reach the most satisfactory solution of the initial problem.
Scientific research is aimed at discovering, interpreting and revising facts, events, behaviors, or theories about reality through the scientific method, by then, a knowledge based on verifiable evidence empirical, or factual information, observations, records data and events, collected by detecting been hired by certain properties of the objects / subjects being examined. Therefore
objectifying the problem, it is placed outside of themselves and formulate hypotheses in order to destroy them by means of a critical method, ie a knowledge generated by procedures that the researcher must make as clear and explicit. Explain all the steps logical and empirical, and the choices that the researcher is inevitably called upon to perform, allows control of his work by other researchers and eventually the repetition of research, in order to verify the consistency of results. A search that complies the canons of scientific method is therefore a search in which all the steps and the individual choices are questionable. E 'research that stimulated the debate, which gives rise to a process of creating a knowledge intersubjectively shared, internally consistent, transparent and open to be challenged, just a knowledge of science.
area of \u200b\u200beducational research, are all the studies and research, taking into account the fundamental need to refer to the experience, they tend to qualify the description, analysis, evaluation and interpretation of educational processes through the use of tools of scientific research.
"Refer experience ": this is an assumption that should see the teachers involved in the first place, among which competencies should be, according to C. Coggi, just the "know how to do research," as the ability to solve, in a proactive way, the problems that arise from time to time in education, building reliable knowledge, and transferable to other contexts. In reality, (even in reference to my experience as a teacher of primary school) you could say that the school is doing research every day, because you are faced with new problems and because so many different and diverse are the students who
require the adoption of strategies to promote the hour report now the inclusion, now the motivation to learn ... just do not often take a scientific approach, or a reflective research done on the educational strategies adopted in order to compare and then collect data, share them, to make them transferable in other contexts and adaptable to other situations. "The real voyage of discovery Consists not in seeking new landscapes, new eyes But in HAVING" "A real voyage of discovery is not seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." (Marcel Proust), but often continue to use you see fit without the "look" of the results actually obtained.
In other cases we think of the "research" as something imposed from above and you need to do to meet the needs of that particular government in power! In this figure, according to a teaching profession Viganò outlined in "executive".

Politics is the art of governing the society. "Man is by nature a political animal" said Aristotle. In fact, the first definition of "political" dates back to the Athenian philosopher, that policy meant the administration of the "polis" for the good of all, the determination of a public space to which all citizens participate. In the history
policy has always been central to the activities of men. Has determined conditions, has directed their way, had an impact on their fate.
policy (set of theories and techniques) is the organization of a company or compatible with the common culture and tradition.
So the aim of politics is to safeguard the common interests of different individuals and different communities that make up the entire population. The main difficulty encountered is that the policy be able to identify the values \u200b\u200bof a population and not to confuse these with the interests of the majority of the population itself.
The task of politics is not to give the answers, but provide the framework that allows each person to seek and find his answer. And in school, school policies established by regulations, circulars, laws, decrees promulgated by the governments should help to improve the achievement levels of students, social development, economic growth and the management and organization that determine the living conditions in schools. The role of school policy, as stated Bottani, is not to handle the emergency, to put to sea the lifeboats, but rather to provide new ways of learning, a new function for the school, which means developing a global vision of society within which to place a public service of education. Deal, therefore, the common good in education and / or school stimulating scientific research that lead to the development of innovations.
Innovation is an activity of thought, raising the level of current knowledge, perfected a process to improve, then the standard of human life: it is change that creates human progress.
Innovation is not limited to the technical, it exists in every sector, but is often linked to technology, and at school is strongly related to use of ICT.
The analysis shows that the innovations are small improvements over time, but they are also continuous.
talk about innovation in the school context often mean to refer to something "new" and complex that lead to an improvement, upsets and overturns the "certainties" (limitanti!) that for some time had established the teaching-learning relationship, this is because the perception of innovation in school approaches, as mentioned earlier, that technological innovation!
New, different, really scared because it always involves, inevitably encounter / clash with themselves and with the "other" in a sense can see that in this case, teachers and school organization constantly questioning, and that leads inexorably to the modification of quell'habitus, as a set of schemes of perception, evaluation, of thought and action, and consists of routine that builds progressively with experience and repetition. Moreover, as stated by Cros, about the internal properties of innovation, the new is in reference to a context and what is new for some, it is not always for others, although the new brings with it the "process" change that comes from inception to become part of the system in relation to the "sense" given by the subject to the same processes.
But how "innovative" until you have done "research" with the acquisition of that "knowledge for action 'powered by daily practice, in turn is fed? And at what research it is sensible autonomy in school if not to those experiments, stimulated by calls for proposals issued by the MIUR (eg. "Experimentation ICF"), then dropped from the top, depending on the priorities given by the various governments, make it happen (and sometimes all too shallow) "Conclusions" to which others have already come? And what a policy of "cut" may encourage the search for innovation, which is necessary in a fluid that looks like the "net" as a universe "on-center", where only critical thinking, creative is able to find a landing in the open sea?
The current policy, as in the United States in 1983 ("A Nation at Risk") criticizes the faults of non-cultural preparation and / or a specialized school, or better teachers, which should be evaluated and "winners", not knows what objective criteria, whereas in reality we do not invest in research, there can be no value or weight to the results, largely negative sign with the "famous" and discussed Invalsi evidence, except to continue to affirm the existence of actually two schools (North and South Italy). We do not ask themselves questions such as why the data of these trials are often discordant with those of the individual schools do not invest in training and professional development for teachers in service, which appear increasingly disaffected from the judgments of a society that, on the one hand while pointing to them as leaders of non-professional training and competitive company that would need today, from ' another no longer sees the school as "the Agency" training and education that perhaps once was. Bottani
probably right when he talks about "flight of teachers' (and not only for staff reductions!) In other areas, to" more attractive job opportunities "... The feeling today," teachers precarious role "for policy which aims at quality, while the continuity that is continually asking for a national policy which is reflected in individual schools, where often, even the leaders, just be careful to respect the "dictates" the government (otherwise penalties ...!), they lose sight of what should be the quality of an organization at the service of those who are citizens of tomorrow.
Proper school policy requires, therefore, the establishment of working groups at local level to design courses and to coordinate activities, resources are not bound to allow training courses for teachers to enable the passing of educational models and techniques and traditional training and adoption strategies, models and professional contributions and adapted to new needs.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Much Penicillin To Give A Dog

OUT of hibernation!

will be the upcoming spring (at least here), which will be started the superbike, you are in that abstinence from October, will be the only bike here that I see around are Hayabusa airbrushed Barbie pink, but it is time to come out of hibernation winter! In my own way .. .

"Damn Viviani, to remedy once a bike to ride, look at the mess we are ..."
"What can I say, the tire has a 180 there as well, but must we find a circle"
"Sure, here is full of circles, expected to seek a tree and see if they are ripe to perfection" And almost
I am really almost there, in the meadows Radicondoli to find a circle that mounts a rubber at least minimally adequate to the task. I actually get up from my poor paddock just for not having before our eyes, at least for five minutes, my anger yet another uphill. The
'93 CBR has no major faults, poor thing, outside of being equipped with a 140 rear tire with the Pirelli MT; possible for me to climb the sailors have always meant to be?
will never enjoy the natural beauty, the sweetness of the season, the friendship of the pilots, without being taken from the miseries and distresses never be technically right, never on time, never with styling tools and spare parts needed? ?
How did I convince myself to use this motion, which I never even tried nor, of course, prepared properly?
I have not understood that I like to create the caps of the handlebar on the side of a road using the branches of the core and duct tape?
I would almost want to cry, luckily there Viviani to rebound, I see him again on the hunt for a circle, but soon got distracted by a male singing that seems to arise from the ancient fortress of Radicondoli ...
and instead ... like every morning for quite some time now rises from the loudspeakers of the mosque behind the house, 5:35 on time, at least today and that brings me back to the reality of Abu Dhabi that slowly wakes up.
giving me the usual good weather, the usual early, the usual breakfast, the usual beautiful view over the Corniche beach.
today I give also and above all, the certainty that he wanted to see, and that, finally, that I had with something competitive for the forthcoming season. The friendship of
Viviani, that is true.
And given the content of dreams, it is time to come home ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Black Pepper For Gastritis

"All of us we went after the story but I say that the fault is ours, it is clear that people are not serious when he talks about the left or right. But what is right What is left ... "( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzUoAfcyPsk ).
Gaber, an artist and genius of the word, has highlighted what I believe is a requirement of contemporary politics: to give a definition, finished nineteenth-century ideology, what is meant by left and right, or rather to give substance to these words do not fall into indifference, into populism or, worse, ridicule.
Human rights and their protection or enhancement may be a distinction between opposing positions of a socio-political vision. Therefore, rights, understood as legitimate interests, there are practical and realistically only to the extent that the law recognizes them and protects them. In practice such a right is considered only if there are "resources" addressed to its economic and social development.
Here follows a first distinction that is based on the choice of rights that the left or right is to actually protect, invest resources not only intellectual but also economic. It is, undoubtedly, this is a distinctive parameter very pragmatic, but it is a clear way to distinguish between opposing positions.
In the classic division between left and right, between "negative rights" and "positive rights, the right to defend those principles that protect the autonomy of citizens against the State and public administrations. Rights intended to "right" should aim to preserve a inviolable private sphere from the public and social dimension. The rights of the "left" than "positive", they should take the form of legal acts to enhance the individual in its socio-economic dimension from the initial right to have equal opportunities. In practice, first mentioned the need for personal freedom than the second equality. Both need to value and always on the commitment of each.
Obviously deduce and as history has taught us you can not cancel the rights of freedom of equal value to those only or vice versa. A State that would make its citizens free, but do not take steps to eliminate inequalities social, would have enormous conflicts, instability and insecurity. State organization that focused its work on the pursuit of equality among citizens at the expense of individual freedom and use their own personal abilities, which would turn into social leveling, the risk of developing oligarchy or dictatorship.
The problem of giving content to a definition of left and right must disturb the economic concept of "opportunity cost". Simply must be well aware that in choosing the right protection at the expense of another, you are to consider the opportunities that you have to sacrifice to discard, when necessary the other objective. In a scenario of limited resources the sensitivities on the "opportunity costs" and the declination of the legal protection and economic rights of the various identified a political right or left. However
underlying both the rights of freedom as well as those of justice, there is the income of the individual and society. The work, despite all the social changes that took place, remains a central element of the person is to sustain both their social identity and to contribute to the transformation of reality and achieving the goals of others. Even in the so-called post - industrial society continue to be recognized in relation to what we do and produce. Without income we would not have the economic means to consider the opportunity costs and develop their rights. But today the work is in part considered as a sort of instrumental conditions for access to the nationality of the consumer that it defines the structure and individual identity.
Labor and consumption, protection of workers and consumers, activities to address the production of wealth and consumption are those elements on which the report "opportunity cost" today identifies the political left than the right.
open up the market for a modern reformist left, it means in the first analysis break down those barriers that hinder corporate, if not block, social mobility, or that affect the initial offering of equal opportunities for all and promotion of merit, or restricting the right to a fair use. For a left reformist direct public intervention in the economy is neither a panacea nor a priori bad, essentially means free from the "traps and snares" of the corporations, by imposing rules to protect consumers and workers. Intervene in the market for a socially democratic left does not mean to compete with private enterprise, but open spaces that are important or indirect productive economies to ensure an expansion of the rights or the services that the free market would not be able to provide .
The modern practice of the contents of the democratic left should, therefore, freed from the formulas of the past, knowing how to read with a fresh eye to the needs and complexities of today, projecting into the future. This is the new "Copernican revolution" that the Democratic Party is doing in Italy, with its enormous difficulties and contradictions. It is a path of liberation and processing, interpretation and projection. The project is difficult but is the only way to request mirrored the birth in Italy of a liberal and populist right and whatever.
Carlo Bartolini

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shower Door Replacement Handle Part Plastic Black

Reflects On 'euthanasia of an incomplete democracy. (Part Two)

L 'explosion of the League, with its strong critique of the concept of national unity 'Italy, together with the' emergence of other real or alleged Micronationalist, shows the great themes such as nation and state, patriotism, the 'autonomy and' a heteronyms community, the 'identity and legitimacy can not be reduced to their historicity, but rather re-emerge as a whole in' current policy, demonstrating that the fundamental structural problems of Italian society that have never been solved partially, or wanting to be pessimistic, have proved intractable to the point.
Paradoxically, at least as far as the relationship connecting the nation-state, its major parties if they had in the chrism of supranationalism: the Christian Democrats and the Communist Party have become players in a certain stage in history, the attempt nationalization of the masses, through the building phase of constitutional a democratic identity and placing her in the antifascist struggle historical legitimacy. Yet, as I had anticipated, after the great time of World War I and built through the joint efforts in the formal sense, the democratic-parliamentary structure of the company, soon prevailed deep contradictions, with emergency quotas at the expense of representative institutions, creating the separation between the body politic and civil society resulted in time in building a true political class and the failure of full democratization of Italian society, remained in many respects pre-modern.
The historical division of the company 's then Italy has gradually led to the formation of large parties in a more pronounced self-transforming democracy into a democracy of parties.

The Christian Democrats, constrained not only by its configuration, the role of barrier to communism, from years' 50 took over the task of bringing together the voting, conservative and archaic of the South, influenced by the notability of the southern bourgeoisie frightened by the anti-capitalist program the Communist Party. An advantageous position which enabled the DC to maintain a semi autonomous even during the period of the modernization of Italian society, pervaded by the year 'by 60' American way of life and great economic growth, and this regardless of good or bad government.
The international situation, the famous K-factor, preventing in fact an 'alternative government, has magnified the ever increasing construction of the party-state through the granting of benefits related to social class has received the recommendation and unconditional, in a sense obliged, giving up though at that 'work involvement that would have given rise to the formation of a genuine democratic participation. The construction of such a party apparatus has also involved the allied parties and despite the good intentions and some initial achievements, including the Socialist Party, giving rise to what semilecito with funding, the state industries, and illegal was the degeneration system or if you want to its logical consequence.
We can say that the Christian Democrats, without neglecting the merits, has coexisted with modernization, however, most working class interest in a (political), leaving the company one in which spontaneity remained the ancient social conditions and economic growth in the Central North el 'electoral paying welfare in the South,

Franco Viliani

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Become Invisible Poptropica

Youth Project, yeah!

Since last week in the Tuscany Regional Council has begun the process of so-called "youth project, yes." By June the calls will start to demand from young people between 24 and 35 years, the facilities, and soon we'll show you.
policy today, to blame in large part due to our prime minister, is in the mud up to his neck, threatening to stay totally submerged! Never before, perhaps, the weather had been so turned on and the popularity of the policy had fallen so low.
In such a scenario to emerge from the quagmire a far-sighted decision, as what the region Tuscany is bringing to fruition, it is not absolutely simple, but surely it is because of these acts that politics can regain the dignity it deserves.
With the "Youth Project, is" are touched many issues dear to the younger generations, let's go for points:
  1. House : for young couples with children or single parent families for the region allocates more than 250 € monthly for the rental of housing, but for young couples without children or students made off 150 euro.
  2. Right to education: first, Tuscany, in the face of € 5.3 million of cuts by the central government has maintained the policy of the award of merit (in 2010 Florence was awarded 3754 scholarships, Siena and Pisa 4532 2787). Moreover, the region is available to finance loans of up to € 50,000 young graduates who intend to carry the masterful studies of specialization abroad.
  3. Stages : This measure is made a little light on the different types of stages. Is given a monthly salary of 400 € for post-degree internships. This is achieved through a relationship between the region and private entities affiliated with it. Of the 400 €, 150 are paid by the region and 250 from the company.
  4. Assumption graduates : Companies can apply for a regional grant of 6000 € (or € 6,500 for a PhD) if they hire a new graduate to permanent full-time. The regional contribution is halved (pass to € 3000) if the contract is made to recent graduates and permanent part-time.
  5. Young Entrepreneurs : the age is raised to benefit from the incentives for young entrepreneurs from 35 to 40 years. Were incorporated new tools and interventions designed for micro-enterprises run by women.
In a very brief, I tried to tell you how the regional government, led by the Democratic Party in the first place, decided to tackle "head on" a huge problem as its youth. The fact that youth unemployment has risen to 29% and that our welfare state as the only social safety net has the family, unless it is governed destabilization can generate very disturbing for our social cohesion.
Richard Trallori, responsible organization Prov.le PD Pistoia

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Do I Put Together Cosco Protek

become Bread

Do you know why there and there will be little hope for a new policy, beyond the usual talk that pitiful, now so fashionable to be on the "new is better", we leave room for the young, worn out faces ... etc ... (as if enough this to solve all our problems, you know how many "new-shit" I know you?)

Just stop on a wonderful reflection of Tonino Bello a few years ago about the meaning of service and policy (for the old, new, young people, those motivated by the hopeful, the willing, the good ones ... anyone).
A reflection that begins with a "parable" ... notoriously known as the "Good Samaritan".
service, intervention, the aid, the care of those suffering from "right time", "time after" and especially "first time" (for those unfamiliar with this wonderful contribution of a great man as bishop and Tonino Beautiful, if you go to study).
And see, when I speak of "service" to listen, share, help, do not necessarily mean the situations of "emergency" and "social assistance", but also and especially what concerns the "normality" of a life immersed in what should be a supportive community to live better, from town, school, art, environment, etc ... everything about human beings and involves for its growth.

Beyond all the tables are round, square, hexagonal, of councils, committees, the Secretariat, the executive, the coordinators of small parliaments, of primary, secondary, tertiary, rivers of words imbued with a bourgeois respectability, a doing good, the overwhelming hypocrisy of good intentions, events ... in short, all this "stuff" which frankly I'm sick and boxes ... who is really suited to live "policy as a way of living the Christian commitment demanding (and not) in the service of others," go, but go and, above all, do it ... pedals in silence ... do it ... and studies, to form, read, study and live among the people, open doors home, face experience of "death" are doing "poor", is to transfer its office sad, maybe inserted in beautiful buildings, in the middle of the square, streets, even in the suburbs last of our countries, see sense going crazy, you do crazy, gay, immigrant, priest, prison, scientists, artists ... wakes up from sleep this long-stoned all of us, proud that we have just one assumes a minimum charge of dementia, was also responsible for the sub-sub-sub-committee of the municipal lapis-pin ...

the Beautiful quote Berdyaev, Russian philosopher: "Bread for myself is a material problem, the bread for others is a spiritual problem" ... I we almost have to laugh (sadly, very sadly) the current thinking and general squalor.

E 'question of ability to "feel" pain, to understand what is your threshold of pain complaint that the level of your sensitivity, and the ability to "bread" took (better choice) - blessed - broken and given, as Henry Nouwen reminds us in his book "Dear Feeling," suggested to me that a priest of our diocese.

You can also find the most perfect form to ensure participation of the people, the true "democracy," the "sound policy", but if you do not know "bread", then we will really little hope.

One last thing: do not even take themselves too seriously and have courage.
courage to go against, to know how to say 'no', to divest himself of the roles that cast on our souls and minds, courage to see that our actions, measured, reasoned, thorough, quality and professionalism even (rarely) at best they are "events", answers more or less exceptional, precisely, to events, situations, events that are good or bad ... the night pink or white, the market in a week, the restoration of the large spa, crime and surveillance cameras, dust and road closures and many other examples ... all "stuff" that comes out of our being "accounting", bureaucrats, prisoners of a system atrophies our imagination, our courage.

The community, man in general no longer needs to "moments" cut from an ordinary mad, depressed and swirling everyday life, surrounded by thousands of problems and concerns, groped for a moment to breathe at least, we need discover ourselves loved, blessed and live in a world that welcomes you every day, where you're not a "guest", but the protagonist.

policy should serve as just that ... themselves as "bread".

Love Peace &

Francis Sturlini

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Piano Shaped Birthday Cake

Reflects On 'euthanasia of an incomplete democracy. (Part One)

my intention to attempt to explain through a brief analysis of the social history Italy-politics, the reasons for what is now commonly referred to as: the crisis of the democratic political system of our country, but which I think could best be described as the degeneration of an incomplete democracy. However, the current emergency that involves so now, I would say, pathological also observe basic rules of formal institutions, forces me to focus, after a required introductory premise, the present and on what I consider possible corrective action required to overcome distortions that can appear in many ways irreconcilable, precisely because they mark the consequences of sedimentation Structural our society.

I just start by saying that I disagree with the idea of \u200b\u200ba pure concept of democracy, as a reflection of its substantiality. We commonly speak of ancient democracy and modern, bourgeois democracy, democracy, popular, progressive democracy, social democracy as the sum of formal rights with those produced by the welfare and yet we could extend the list. At gladly refer you to the work of Sartori on definitions of democracy. but what I wish to emphasize here is that all these forms are stages leading to a unique form generally shared. Allow me to do at the moment some brief examples: when an important member of the Socialist Party Riccardo Lombardi theorized the revolutionary reforms meant the approach to democracy socialism and capitalism without, the same can be said of the concept of progressive democracy that the intention of Togliatti would lead to communism, different yet the 'fruit of the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy' ideology of reformism soilidaristica Catholic, as you can study in Achille Ardigò work and Pasquale Saraceno. I'm not saying there are no meeting point between many of these concepts but the fact remains that they require at least a serious work of interpretation. the same, on closer inspection, that requires more ambiguous term, that is reformism.

advance immediately for the sake of clarity, which is the form of democracy that I consider the highest expression of 'cultural evolution at least in the western world that has made the synthesis of individual rights and duties, the famous bourgeois rights, with the social gains, extending in a concrete manner the substance of equal opportunities. Of course I do not hide the difficulties in the practice, yet it seems to me that the useful laboratory in which to develop the necessary corrective measures. But democracy can speak only if the shapes of representative institutions are deeply rooted in society, the bearer of values. And 'notice of all the sterility of the attempt to export democracy, an attempt that may lead to more to another form of democracy which in reality is nothing but the old expression of the traditional power that is given a different name. Right here in this regard I state my thesis, namely that this lack of unity between form and substance is the structural weakness of the historical Italian company. Suggests the bell 'Adriano Prosperi article appeared in La Repubblica, which incorporates the 13/02/2011 an old idea but never exceeded that true democracy is the prerogative of the people amglosassoni Protestants, precisely because, beyond the forms, he felt there individual feels personally responsible and not in front of an earthly power, but before God With that, any hypothesis you choose, this is a weakness which has followed the story as a tragic Italian heritage

Italian history is the history of division We can say that for a long time the majority of Italians there, but perhaps still missing, the sense of the nation and to the postwar period, as reported by Simon Colarizzi in his History of the twentieth century Italian, not even know what democracy was and certainly did not 'have learned over the years of fascism.

Phase constituent who had followed the liberation of Italy from Nazi-Fascism had given hope to the life in general path towards the democratization of Italian society. Well past the first time they had expressed the high concepts gained During the years of fighting fascism, they were soon re-emerged the old and new problems of economic and social structures of the country. The Christian Democrats, the majority party, he was crushed between an ambiguously democratic will and the need not to alienate conservative voters on the one hand a pre-modern expression of notability agrarian South, from a middle class and not a mature business and frightened by the force of the Marxist left and the other by the Catholic Church still overwhelmingly opposed to modernization when he saw the danger to his conception of society and its teaching. About the famous debate between De Gasperi and the Apostolic Delegate Borgoncini Duke on the Constitution and the contradiction between freedom and truth.

The Communist Party with the Socialist Party interpreters of the project of transforming the capitalist system are strongly linked to 'Soviet Union; and strongly opposed both to walk the path of a sign of social democratic reformism. Faced with these mass parties showed their weakness smaller parties. Republicans, Social Democrats and the Liberals now But most obvious was the lack of a Constitutional Party as it should be the Action Party and how the electoral choices before they broke up relegated to a marginal role. In such a complex situation, in which the burden of settling the past far exceeded the aspirations of a group of politicians, not yet, or class rank, high capacity, the constitutional provisions was largely frozen until in 1956-57, preferring to rule by laws that seemed more suited to 'democratic immaturity of the Italians.

conclusion that if a surplus is still true when I am referring to is proving to be even more true in this . Catholics and the Communists had an eye to other homelands: the Church and the 'USSR. Missing is the recognition of the relationship between nation and state, the two did not coincide.
Franco Viliani

Monday, February 7, 2011

When Is Disneyland The Least Busy In Spring

Family policies. In a nation

with the permission of Professor Treu its contribution to meeting the programmatic PD - February 2011

The Premise PD in recent years has devoted much attention to the family and family policies. Put forward proposals, including in Parliament, the result of reflection started from the time of the Olive and compare it with the administrators, associations and trade unions.
Beyond the specific proposals presented here, the PD wants change the way fundamental axis of social policies and welfare .. The traditional system of welfare was concentrated on the categories of workers, males, and included interventions in the indemnity above, to compensate individuals for damage and risks of the job. Our intention is to look after the welfare of the people, of all people, to respond to their different situations and needs.
Our goal is to build a universal welfare, family and generational. The welfare system must be universal because it deals with all the people who live in our area, including an increasing number of immigrants present in our families. It can not be primarily compensatory, but oriented to promote the development of people in their entirety with measures to increase the opportunities for personal enrichment and relational and skills of individuals and families to live a good life and good works. We want a welfare system that helps the growth of a society's care, a welcoming family for its members and open to the communities that surround it and interacts with.
welfare policies affect people, all people, but must take account of relationships in which people find themselves living among which in particular, family relationships. These reports affect the needs and expectations of individuals, from childhood to old age, thus requiring specific responses that consider and enhance the family context. E 'in the family that define the relationships between the generations. The welfare system should help to restore the pact between the generations now strongly challenged by social tensions and pressures of the market is not offset by the policy.

The PD also supports an active welfare extends the capabilities of people and develop social relationships humanly rich, starting from the family. Our welfare and family policies within it are not welfare measures, but an engine of human development, sustainable growth and an essential tool to combat inequality and social exclusion.
Our approach has immediate consequences in the current crisis and longer-term consequences for change at the bottom of our social system.
All measures must be taken now to overcome the crisis must take into account the needs of families and not neglect them like the government, which has affected the family with cuts in school, university, funding for kindergartens and for the long-term care and social policies. This government says that to think the family is running low on it and the costs of the crisis of life. Hypocritically states to enhance the role of the family as a social safety net, a statement unacceptable.

Family policies have received insufficient attention in Italy, lower than in all neighboring countries (receiving just over 1% of GDP, half the European average). This is not a shortage today, but in recent years the situation has deteriorated dramatically.
funds allocated by the previous center-left government to Supporting families in various aspects (including equal opportunities, the long-term care, facilities for rents, childcare and youth policy) have been drastically reduced, even to a tenth, from 400 million in 2006 to 40 . And the complex nature of social funds has dropped from 2520 mil. euro in 2008 to 349 in 2011 and decrease again to 271.6 in 2013 (as is clear from the 2011 state budget, AC 3779).
card purchases (better known as Social card) was a flop. Apart from being objectionable in itself, and covered half of the intended beneficiaries. Many of the rights holders have not applied for the limitations and access difficulties.
financial difficulties must be addressed, but it is unfair and unacceptable to do so with linear cuts that do not take account of the hierarchy, nor the quality of needs.
Say you want to put the family at the center and then further reduce the already scarce resources is a hypocrisy, which covers an injustice. The economic difficulties are not the only obstacles to make family, but they are a part, for many decisive, especially in times of crisis.
All analysis recognize the severity of the economic barriers that weigh on youth (starting with the lack of work), the discrepancy between children want, and children born on the freedom of women to combine work and personal life, the care of children, the elderly and the disabled.
These issues should be the focus of our discussions and our policy agenda. It should be contrasted to the conventional wisdom that family policies are costs (to be reduced as the others) and not necessary investment for the future of the country.
To cover this situation you can not make use of the principle of subsidiarity, as stated in government documents. Subsidiarity, properly understood, can not be used to unload the responsibility of the state on civil society and the family. Also insist that the family is a social safety net, is a distortion of the idea of \u200b\u200bwelfare and subsidiarity.
Subsidiarity requires to enhance the independence and capacity of individuals and families so that they can contribute to the common welfare. The ability of individuals and the organization of civil society, in various forms (voluntary, third sector, bilateral agencies) are crucial to complement and enhance the welfare: it can no longer be based only on public policy initiatives, nor even the central and decentralized. This is why the PD supports the need for community welfare ..
But the state can not refuse to support with rules and actors with sufficient resources and functions of community welfare. So you do not have to cut public resources but also best-in-chief reallocated to social actors.
Family policies need to engage in a coordinated manner both civil society and public institutions, the central and local authorities, which have become especially relevant skills for the critical area of \u200b\u200bservices. Sectoral initiatives are not enough, even laudable. There must be a picture and a vision that unifies the various policies. He also noted the European Parliament indicating the need to adopt the approach of mainstreaming family (in addition of gender mainstreaming). Family policies need to understand a complex, as are the complex needs of families.
The PD offered suggestions priority to protect the fragility of the family in this time of crisis, but also in order to enhance the educational role and function of stimulus to personal and social growth.

1. Taxes and tariffs for families
A priority concerns economic aid to families.
The urgency is clear that the crisis is impoverishing more and more of our families. Almost a fifth of Italians (11 million) are at risk of poverty. The most disadvantaged are the couples with children is one of our developed with higher risk of poverty for couples who go beyond the second child. Poverty is seriously affecting children and more young people who have no prospects of autonomy and are forced to weigh on the family, well over the years of adolescence.
On this issue the Democratic Party has put forward a comprehensive package of proposals, approved by the Varese del'08 and 09 October 2010.
We believe that the tax incentives and income support for work and pensions should be commensurate with the needs and household composition. We asked, first, along with social forces, as an urgent measure consisting of a child allowance (2500 €) and universal, that is for all families, beyond the logic of small touches, as did other countries.
also offer a deduction for each additional child for women who work (see below point 4). And an increase (doubling) the threshold of deductibility of expenses for dependent children, now completely inadequate (deductions for childcare, babysitters, carers).
Helping families is also urgently in setting pricing policies. The rates, which weigh more than ever on family budgets, should be designed taking into account household composition (number of persons, age). Serve fares (transport, energy, etc.), especially for large families. Procedures must be studied in the same direction and are designed with the banks for the credit facilities, with municipalities and companies, to support the consumption of low-income families.
These emergency measures should be included in comprehensive policy to combat poverty, which in various forms is affecting many families, even middle class. Our proposal of the National Assembly approved May 22, 2010 is to introduce the income active solidarity for those at the margin labor market, to add deductions to income for low-wage workers, on the model established in other countries such as France (see also the paper presented to this General Assembly). In general
really need to address the reform of the tax measure to build a family. We have proposed the reduction of 20% of the first tranche, 23% today, reducing the number of intermediate rates and review of the scales in favor of low and medium incomes. In addition, the jungle of deductions and allowances in force today is cut down and reduced to rationality. We need to change radically the deduction: In addition to income level differs by age, the benefit young and ultra - seventy-five, in particular in need of care, and family responsibilities.
We challenge the right to talk about splitting income to compete on this terrain. The family quotient must be overcome because it is not fair, encourages high incomes more than those averages. The consideration of family factors as proposed by the Forum of Family Associations, lets you design a tax reform that recognizes the social value of family and resize the tax burden according to the family expenses (taking into account the needs and income).

2. Family and generations
The PD proposes a family and generational welfare because it considers urgent to reconstruct the contents generational and gender of the social compact, which are jeopardized by selfish and individualistic impulses in society today. Therefore, we propose to promote an equitable distribution of opportunities and responsibilities between the generations and gender, to meet the needs of the various cycles of life from early childhood, which address the first interventions of care and education, adult life, to reassure in the face of the uncertainties of work and income, old age, to recognize in his work and also opportunities to assist in the care needs to with special needs in the event of non-self-sufficiency.
2.1 Policies for Children.
central importance should be given to the care of children. Here begins the welfare state because it is at this stage that the bases of human development and capabilities necessary for a good life and good works. The center-right does not believe the childhood and adolescence, as do other countries, an investment in the present and the future of the country. In fact, Italy spent on care services and care of children (0-6 years) the proportion of GDP 0.65 (1.45 Sweden - France 1.6) and for services for young children (0-3 years) only 0.07% of GDP. In the last Budget have been further reduced below zero, the resources for the nests and services for young children, despite the fact that Italy, according to the latest ISTAT data is the slow lane of Europe, because the nursery cover only 12.7% of children.
This reduction in investment for children and the school and the lack of fiscal policy in favor of families with children have product: the increase in the rate of child poverty, the shortage of childcare services, the persistence School dropouts, increased forms of distress and discomfort, the growing gap between north and south (eg the minor residing in the south is given an annual sum ranging from 27 to 90 euro, while the minor residing in the north are for amounts ranging from 679 to 796 €), the failure to address the issue of inclusive education of foreign students who come today to 7% of the school population.
Children and teenagers today are at the heart of the crime. Often obsessively, almost morbid. At this noise, however, does not match a real attention to the lives of children and adolescents. Indeed there is often a push to make early and adult to flout the stages of their growth.
symptoms of increasing illness (such as the rise in eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, a greater inclination to depression, as we say operators), depending on whether the context in which they live is not likely to develop the potential childhood.
It 's a premature withdrawal and this is bad for them and for the country. We need a country that looks confidently to these challenges. Only then can we restore the confidence of children and adolescents.
should be a turning point.
Others need a framework law of childhood and adolescence funded a fund which progressively increases in relation to GDP, as we proposed. The law should contain the essential levels of social benefits and rights of children and adolescents, provide an organic framework of the profession of social norms to protect the identity of minors, the rights of citizenship to persons born on the territory of the Republic; and set up the court for the person and family relations.
b. In line with European objectives and continuing the measures already implemented by the Prodi government, the National Fund should be strengthened nurseries, with 'goal of achieving 1000 kindergartens by 2013 by improving and diversifying the provision of services. In the Green Paper the Government in the section on services for children there is not even a nod to continue the nursery floor.

2.2 Policies for youth
If young people come in later work, if not accept their presence in business and professions, if you have depleted their prerogatives, the country is facing the urgent problem of overcoming the syndrome of the late appropriate policies, to enable them to like their peers. Young people need help to seek their independence because they can not be forced to weigh on the family, as is done today. For young families are not can be a social safety net.
A first priority is to improve educational opportunities, beginning with the teenagers. Education is the foundation of personal growth and social welfare, so it is a fundamental element of our welfare. The rates of evasion and delay school Italians are among the highest in Europe in the second quarter of 2009 9.320.000 young people were out of regular education, and 4 in 10 have only a middle school.
These are critical issues related to the economic conditions of the family of origin and are concentrated in the transition from middle school to high school, once again, are particularly acute in the South. A teenager growing up in poverty and material that "escapes" to 15 or 16 years, has few opportunities to become independent. Our social policies must address these conditions. In other countries, child poverty, the material and the education is less than here, because there is support to the family income and guaranteed minimum income schemes.
We have proposed an approach learnfare, as it has spread to other countries, linking the use of effective family support school attendance by children. The ILO has also recommended a similar measure called the Minimum Income for School Attendance.
The vocational training system should be strengthened and upgraded, remained weak, without adequate investment, the establishment of school - work that in other countries (Germany) was an important factor to combat youth unemployment, has had little circulation.
More generally, the PD has proposed measures for the organic autonomy of young people.
  • The first measure concerns the establishment of an endowment fund for the youth capital of the state fed by contributions of families and homes available to young people for training projects or to start businesses and business.
The fund is an institution of universal nature, but graduated on family readiness. It holds that every child is born on national territory (and goodness is accompanied by a reform of nationality based on jus soli). The Fund enters into the availability of the young once they reach the age of majority (or other conventional age) and can be integrated to the coming of age, with a loan of autonomy aimed at specific targets.
Assuming that the public contribution, is equal to 1000 € for the most vulnerable, with amounts decreasing linearly to zero for the more affluent, the cost, a regime at the expense of the state would be worth 0.4% of GDP. A young man receiving the full annual contribution to public and private contribution equivalent to 18 years (with a real interest rate of 2%) had an availability of approximately € 43,000 in the case of an annual payment of 1000 € , the sum would be € 21,500.
The Fund, which serves to facilitate the transition of young to independence, is to support the family of origin, since the lifting of a part of the cost of maintenance, now too long. The Fund is part of the active welfare of our conception, development-oriented and not a mere function of protection and support of a weak category. Engages the family of origin, empowers the new generations, directly involves young people in shaping their future. Turn a moderate contribution to the public in a robust financial leverage which can multiply the impact.
The Fund also provides support to the family of origin, for accelerating the autonomy of the children raised in a share of the cost of maintenance (too long now) and decreases anxiety. This equates to ease the burden of parenting, leading to a benefit in a way favorable to the birth. What follows is also another way: the fact is, that young person can not anticipate the late reproductive decisions Today too long delayed. E 'therefore a way to restore their prerogatives, including demographic, lost in recent decades.
Other measures for the autonomy of young people include:
  • Facilities for accommodation away from home for studies and also offsite, necessary to give young people real opportunities for mobility and openness to the world.
  • Voucher for young students to spend significant periods of residence and education abroad, profits to a supranational language education and, today more and more necessary
  • Increased openness of access to jobs and support entrepreneurship with the car tax exemption of the first three years of activity (as expected from self-employment bill submitted by the PD in the Senate).
  • autonomy and personal growth of young people should be promoted enhancing their ability and merits, by addressing the criteria patronage and "careers" for older people who weigh over a large part of Italian life from school, university and the companies themselves.
The current crisis has dramatically worsened the employment situation of young people. The latest ISTAT figures indicate that 20% of young people, more than 2 million, or study or work and they are so discouraged that even look no more: an entire generation (the NEET) abandoned.
need a special plan for the employment of these young people, as they are doing all the major European governments. We propose a national plan that offers young people a year who are in idle condition, a "dowry" to give them new possibilities of employment in subsidized private enterprises including cooperatives, for the start of occupation, business or employment independently, to complete the training (diploma, degree) in order to qualify for the species in areas where there are vacancies unfilled.
  • The condition of serious hardship employment of young people today must be corrected in its implications, but also in prospect of future life, for its security implications. The pension reforms implemented to date, in particular the introduction of the method ensure the financial sustainability of the contributory system, but not the adequacy of future pensions. Today's young people, especially the many who are slow to enter the labor market or work intermittently and with low wages, inadequate pensions are intended to have their future needs, with serious consequences for their livelihoods and for the same welfare of old age. To counter this perspective should be a review of the public pension system, in order to build on two pillars: a basic pension financed by the IRS, according to the universal logic, designed to ensure that all seniors need services tailored to the needs of life, a second level, contributions that ensures additional benefits related to contributions made by individuals during their working lives (still the possibility of pensions Additional voluntary in its present form and supported by appropriate tax benefits). One such proposal was submitted by MPs in the House of PD is the Senato.Inoltre the effectiveness of the full contribution system should be guaranteed allowing full joint on favorable terms, periods of work of various kinds also held at different employers work (even on this point there Proposals for parliamentary PD)
3. Family and self-sufficiency
care of the elderly, especially not self-sufficient, is a central commitment to the welfare of future . It must be met with universal support measures and weighted to the needs of individuals. But even in this area of \u200b\u200bwelfare should be given special attention to families and women, which today bears the brunt of care, the elderly are becoming increasingly necessary in addition to that of the children. Families should be helped in this new commitment, which can not stand by sun ..
A series of measures should be aimed primarily at promoting an active life of older people to continue to be useful to them and their families (grandparents already do a lot for the grandchildren). Measures tested in other countries, and that the PD says, are: the adaptation and improvement of working conditions to increase the skills of older workers, the promotion of flexible hours and part-time mixed board to facilitate a smooth transition ; from work to retirement; targeted training, the employment of older workers for mentoring and tutoring young recruits of the diffusion of a culture that goes beyond the stereotypes that deny the qualities experience and resources present in the elderly.
Despite the measures of existing care, is worsening the problem of non-self-sufficiency. Life expectancy in our country now more than eighty years, a positive but that inevitably brings with it an increase in disabilities with a growing welfare burden for families. The weak network of home care of the municipalities and the 480 euro bonus accompanying answers are far from sufficient to cope with the rising costs for caregivers, health care, nursing home admissions Assistant. The long-term care is now the leading cause of impoverishment of Italian families after the loss of work. Other
Countries in Europe have established systems of protection of our most appropriate. Have established specific funds, financed by taxation or through insurance schemes to deal with a public risk, the long-term care in old age, now ordinary and predictable framework in the new population.
We propose a fund for the long-term care, regulated and governed by the regions, provided by INPS on the basis of levels of care and criteria set at national level, ensuring good economic contributions and differentiated service, proportionate to the severity of care needs ( see more specifically the general document presented at this conference) This can be the basis of a new pact of solidarity between generations, the most adequate and effective, we update our welfare system to the growing needs of the Third Age.

4. Family and Work. Reconciliation policies and sharing of roles.
The welfare must be reconsidered in the light of reconciliation and the sharing of family roles, women and men. The rethinking is necessary to balance these roles and recognize women greater freedom of choice between work and personal life and family. It 'also needed to support the birth, whose dramatic decline affects all our futures. The experiences of countries neighbors shows that good policies of reconciliation and sharing need to widen choice for the birth and do not contradict, indeed increased, women's employment.
Increasing women's employment that is now among the lowest in Europe and declining (46.4%), is a great support both for the economy of the country and the welfare of families. We see today more than ever how important it is to have two incomes from employment or retirement, family, and what is just a dramatic loss.
The employment policies have an important role for the welfare of families. Without labor there is no autonomy for young people, or security for the family and may be at risk the very family stability.
growth policies are needed to support the work, starting with the youth and women. The growth must be accompanied by measures that promote good jobs, a job that is enriched with rights and opportunities, not exposed to extortion by the insecurity. The measures approved by the PD against the precariousness of the National Assembly in May 2010 are more urgent than ever and a responsible government should give urgent and concrete answers. The PD has put forward proposals to establish universal shock absorbers to ensure all appropriate income protection in case of absence work, even those protections should be graded according to the family context. The shortcomings of the existing social safety nets, lack of policies in support of temporary workers, and a tool to combat poverty, also impact on a family function which aggravates their suffering and the risks of exclusion and social marginalization.
The conditions of the family, especially the family burden, have a role in limiting the freedom of choice for women.
In Italy this helps to explain a female employment rate is well below the European average (47.2%), and compared male and a further reduction now. 46% of Italian women out of the market work after their first child, and the chance to return to work depends largely on the availability of care services for children and seniors, as well as by previous employment status and educational qualifications. The same conditions, fed by the persistence of gender stereotypes to the contrary, contribute to maintaining unequal treatment against women in pay and career opportunities in both.
To combat this situation are not enough isolated interventions. It should be an integrated package of measures, such as experienced by the best European experiences in three main directions: reconciliation policies, based on the creation of services, policies tax incentive policies for income support.
In these directions the Democratic Party has put forward specific proposals for legislation in Parliament with the following measures:
  • Enhancing the supply of care services for children and for the non-self-sufficiency;
  • Reconciliation of time in accessing services (by the regions and local authorities)
  • Incentive measures and support of flexible schedules and part-time (reversible and volunteer)
  • Tax credit for the employment of women in the areas of the south
  • Incentives for working mothers, employees, independent and quasi-subordinate (additional personal income tax relief to support the costs of attendance to childcare and family care services)
  • incentives to employers for permanent employment of people over 35 they start or return to work after periods spent bringing up children
  • rehabilitation and refinancing of the national fund for women entrepreneurs and strengthening the training of self-employed
  • extension and expansion of parental leave and introducing paternity leave compulsory (up to three years of the child and compensation to 100 % of wages for income up to € 35,000 for families of three components)
  • Protection Maternity of self-employed: imputed contributions in perspective and universal allowance
  • Exploitation periods of maternity and nursing for pension purposes, partly to counter raising the retirement age of women
  • measures for gender equality in the market labor: a balanced gender representation on boards and in the organs of society to control public evaluation of the obligation to respect equality in tenders, quality certificates of gender policies, gender impact assessment of legislation.
Some of these measures require innovations laws, but many of those concerning the reconciliation between work time and family time can be introduced by the social partners with the contracting company and territorial.

5. Services to families.
services, particularly those by the people, are a central element of welfare as we proposed, distinguishing it from welfare compensation of the past, based mainly on monetary transfers. Care services, personalized and accessible in the territory to meet the needs of all citizens. Families in particular need not only financial support to buffer the state of poverty, but also to remove the factors responsible for the difficulties of life, and that only the action of the services can do so.
The heavy cuts in government resources to local authorities lead to a serious negative impact on services that aggravate the social problems, already popular among families, and that further impoverish the territories.
Only a strong network of services as outlined by law for the reform of 328, with integrated health network may ensure the local community and home care services needed to prevent and combat the discomfort of people and families and to face the many situations of poverty. Should be established for this essential levels of social assistance, guaranteed through the action of regions and municipalities, and organized the single access point to facilitate the use of services for a real care for people living uncomfortable, even to overcome the conditions and causes for it.
funding and expanding services in the territory is a priority of our commitment to make concrete the main objectives of support to individuals and families, and performance required in this regard (see the paper on the general welfare presented at this meeting):
  • Strengthen the integrated home care, particularly aimed at meeting the needs of elderly, disabled and incapacitated
  • promote the full integration of disabled people and address the unprecedented challenge of "after us", the protection of severely disabled people who are deprived of family support
  • Accompanying the difficult process of integration of immigrant communities
  • to situations of poverty with a special fund provided by local services with real care for people living economic hardship, even to overcome the conditions and causes which have led
  • Qualify consultoriali services for the family
For all these services cost schemes expenditure, broken down according to instruments of "means test" are useful to improve, relying on public finances, the amount of services offered. Public support can take the form of an endowment for the public good service, that he can use to pay providers of services in a regulated market (as in the French).
network services should be involved in the energies and resources of civil society, with a true partnership between public and private sectors.
The third sector has played a central role in promoting the culture and needs of social services, from nursery to home care, is crucial for directing and supporting social planning based on knowledge of the actual needs of individuals and families elle.

6. The policies and management on their territories.
family welfare policies require a joint commitment and continuing both civil society and institutions, public and local stations. The regions and local authorities have acquired skills crucial in defining these policies and especially in the management of services. In recent years, have developed a wealth of experience, integrating and improving the state measures. This is true even in regions administered by the center-right, but our administrators have shown in this case particular sensitivity of reform and effectiveness of intervention. These best practices are a common heritage and should serve as a benchmark report that all the various local projects.
The process of federalism, laboriously started and still uncertain, will have a key test of the ability of the administrative and fiscal responsibility on all local improvement in the quality and dissemination of welfare policies, and effectiveness in supporting the experiences best and encourage others to conform to the highest standards.

Professor Tiziano Treu
PD Senator of the Italian Republic