my intention to attempt to explain through a brief analysis of the social history Italy-politics, the reasons for what is now commonly referred to as: the crisis of the democratic political system of our country, but which I think could best be described as the degeneration of an incomplete democracy. However, the current emergency that involves so now, I would say, pathological also observe basic rules of formal institutions, forces me to focus, after a required introductory premise, the present and on what I consider possible corrective action required to overcome distortions that can appear in many ways irreconcilable, precisely because they mark the consequences of sedimentation Structural our society.
I just start by saying that I disagree with the idea of \u200b\u200ba pure concept of democracy, as a reflection of its substantiality. We commonly speak of ancient democracy and modern, bourgeois democracy, democracy, popular, progressive democracy, social democracy as the sum of formal rights with those produced by the welfare and yet we could extend the list. At gladly refer you to the work of Sartori on definitions of democracy. but what I wish to emphasize here is that all these forms are stages leading to a unique form generally shared. Allow me to do at the moment some brief examples: when an important member of the Socialist Party Riccardo Lombardi theorized the revolutionary reforms meant the approach to democracy socialism and capitalism without, the same can be said of the concept of progressive democracy that the intention of Togliatti would lead to communism, different yet the 'fruit of the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy' ideology of reformism soilidaristica Catholic, as you can study in Achille Ardigò work and Pasquale Saraceno. I'm not saying there are no meeting point between many of these concepts but the fact remains that they require at least a serious work of interpretation. the same, on closer inspection, that requires more ambiguous term, that is reformism.
advance immediately for the sake of clarity, which is the form of democracy that I consider the highest expression of 'cultural evolution at least in the western world that has made the synthesis of individual rights and duties, the famous bourgeois rights, with the social gains, extending in a concrete manner the substance of equal opportunities. Of course I do not hide the difficulties in the practice, yet it seems to me that the useful laboratory in which to develop the necessary corrective measures. But democracy can speak only if the shapes of representative institutions are deeply rooted in society, the bearer of values. And 'notice of all the sterility of the attempt to export democracy, an attempt that may lead to more to another form of democracy which in reality is nothing but the old expression of the traditional power that is given a different name. Right here in this regard I state my thesis, namely that this lack of unity between form and substance is the structural weakness of the historical Italian company. Suggests the bell 'Adriano Prosperi article appeared in La Repubblica, which incorporates the 13/02/2011 an old idea but never exceeded that true democracy is the prerogative of the people amglosassoni Protestants, precisely because, beyond the forms, he felt there individual feels personally responsible and not in front of an earthly power, but before God With that, any hypothesis you choose, this is a weakness which has followed the story as a tragic Italian heritage
Italian history is the history of division We can say that for a long time the majority of Italians there, but perhaps still missing, the sense of the nation and to the postwar period, as reported by Simon Colarizzi in his History of the twentieth century Italian, not even know what democracy was and certainly did not 'have learned over the years of fascism.
Phase constituent who had followed the liberation of Italy from Nazi-Fascism had given hope to the life in general path towards the democratization of Italian society. Well past the first time they had expressed the high concepts gained During the years of fighting fascism, they were soon re-emerged the old and new problems of economic and social structures of the country. The Christian Democrats, the majority party, he was crushed between an ambiguously democratic will and the need not to alienate conservative voters on the one hand a pre-modern expression of notability agrarian South, from a middle class and not a mature business and frightened by the force of the Marxist left and the other by the Catholic Church still overwhelmingly opposed to modernization when he saw the danger to his conception of society and its teaching. About the famous debate between De Gasperi and the Apostolic Delegate Borgoncini Duke on the Constitution and the contradiction between freedom and truth.
The Communist Party with the Socialist Party interpreters of the project of transforming the capitalist system are strongly linked to 'Soviet Union; and strongly opposed both to walk the path of a sign of social democratic reformism. Faced with these mass parties showed their weakness smaller parties. Republicans, Social Democrats and the Liberals now But most obvious was the lack of a Constitutional Party as it should be the Action Party and how the electoral choices before they broke up relegated to a marginal role. In such a complex situation, in which the burden of settling the past far exceeded the aspirations of a group of politicians, not yet, or class rank, high capacity, the constitutional provisions was largely frozen until in 1956-57, preferring to rule by laws that seemed more suited to 'democratic immaturity of the Italians.
conclusion that if a surplus is still true when I am referring to is proving to be even more true in this . Catholics and the Communists had an eye to other homelands: the Church and the 'USSR. Missing is the recognition of the relationship between nation and state, the two did not coincide.
Franco Viliani
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