Research as a permanent feature of human existence, is emerging as an existential condition of our humanity because through it we shall endeavor to resolve a problem by allowing at the same time, an advancement of knowledge. Those who take a research assumes an attitude of conscious, cautious and critical, aimed to test and, if necessary, to eliminate their guesswork, just to reach the most satisfactory solution of the initial problem.
Scientific research is aimed at discovering, interpreting and revising facts, events, behaviors, or theories about reality through the scientific method, by then, a knowledge based on verifiable evidence empirical, or factual information, observations, records data and events, collected by detecting been hired by certain properties of the objects / subjects being examined. Therefore
objectifying the problem, it is placed outside of themselves and formulate hypotheses in order to destroy them by means of a critical method, ie a knowledge generated by procedures that the researcher must make as clear and explicit. Explain all the steps logical and empirical, and the choices that the researcher is inevitably called upon to perform, allows control of his work by other researchers and eventually the repetition of research, in order to verify the consistency of results. A search that complies the canons of scientific method is therefore a search in which all the steps and the individual choices are questionable. E 'research that stimulated the debate, which gives rise to a process of creating a knowledge intersubjectively shared, internally consistent, transparent and open to be challenged, just a knowledge of science.
area of \u200b\u200beducational research, are all the studies and research, taking into account the fundamental need to refer to the experience, they tend to qualify the description, analysis, evaluation and interpretation of educational processes through the use of tools of scientific research.
"Refer experience ": this is an assumption that should see the teachers involved in the first place, among which competencies should be, according to C. Coggi, just the "know how to do research," as the ability to solve, in a proactive way, the problems that arise from time to time in education, building reliable knowledge, and transferable to other contexts. In reality, (even in reference to my experience as a teacher of primary school) you could say that the school is doing research every day, because you are faced with new problems and because so many different and diverse are the students who
require the adoption of strategies to promote the hour report now the inclusion, now the motivation to learn ... just do not often take a scientific approach, or a reflective research done on the educational strategies adopted in order to compare and then collect data, share them, to make them transferable in other contexts and adaptable to other situations. "The real voyage of discovery Consists not in seeking new landscapes, new eyes But in HAVING" "A real voyage of discovery is not seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." (Marcel Proust), but often continue to use you see fit without the "look" of the results actually obtained.
In other cases we think of the "research" as something imposed from above and you need to do to meet the needs of that particular government in power! In this figure, according to a teaching profession ViganĂ² outlined in "executive".
Politics is the art of governing the society. "Man is by nature a political animal" said Aristotle. In fact, the first definition of "political" dates back to the Athenian philosopher, that policy meant the administration of the "polis" for the good of all, the determination of a public space to which all citizens participate. In the history
policy has always been central to the activities of men. Has determined conditions, has directed their way, had an impact on their fate.
policy (set of theories and techniques) is the organization of a company or compatible with the common culture and tradition.
So the aim of politics is to safeguard the common interests of different individuals and different communities that make up the entire population. The main difficulty encountered is that the policy be able to identify the values \u200b\u200bof a population and not to confuse these with the interests of the majority of the population itself.
The task of politics is not to give the answers, but provide the framework that allows each person to seek and find his answer. And in school, school policies established by regulations, circulars, laws, decrees promulgated by the governments should help to improve the achievement levels of students, social development, economic growth and the management and organization that determine the living conditions in schools. The role of school policy, as stated Bottani, is not to handle the emergency, to put to sea the lifeboats, but rather to provide new ways of learning, a new function for the school, which means developing a global vision of society within which to place a public service of education. Deal, therefore, the common good in education and / or school stimulating scientific research that lead to the development of innovations.
Innovation is an activity of thought, raising the level of current knowledge, perfected a process to improve, then the standard of human life: it is change that creates human progress.
Innovation is not limited to the technical, it exists in every sector, but is often linked to technology, and at school is strongly related to use of ICT.
The analysis shows that the innovations are small improvements over time, but they are also continuous.
talk about innovation in the school context often mean to refer to something "new" and complex that lead to an improvement, upsets and overturns the "certainties" (limitanti!) that for some time had established the teaching-learning relationship, this is because the perception of innovation in school approaches, as mentioned earlier, that technological innovation!
New, different, really scared because it always involves, inevitably encounter / clash with themselves and with the "other" in a sense can see that in this case, teachers and school organization constantly questioning, and that leads inexorably to the modification of quell'habitus, as a set of schemes of perception, evaluation, of thought and action, and consists of routine that builds progressively with experience and repetition. Moreover, as stated by Cros, about the internal properties of innovation, the new is in reference to a context and what is new for some, it is not always for others, although the new brings with it the "process" change that comes from inception to become part of the system in relation to the "sense" given by the subject to the same processes.
But how "innovative" until you have done "research" with the acquisition of that "knowledge for action 'powered by daily practice, in turn is fed? And at what research it is sensible autonomy in school if not to those experiments, stimulated by calls for proposals issued by the MIUR (eg. "Experimentation ICF"), then dropped from the top, depending on the priorities given by the various governments, make it happen (and sometimes all too shallow) "Conclusions" to which others have already come? And what a policy of "cut" may encourage the search for innovation, which is necessary in a fluid that looks like the "net" as a universe "on-center", where only critical thinking, creative is able to find a landing in the open sea?
The current policy, as in the United States in 1983 ("A Nation at Risk") criticizes the faults of non-cultural preparation and / or a specialized school, or better teachers, which should be evaluated and "winners", not knows what objective criteria, whereas in reality we do not invest in research, there can be no value or weight to the results, largely negative sign with the "famous" and discussed Invalsi evidence, except to continue to affirm the existence of actually two schools (North and South Italy). We do not ask themselves questions such as why the data of these trials are often discordant with those of the individual schools do not invest in training and professional development for teachers in service, which appear increasingly disaffected from the judgments of a society that, on the one hand while pointing to them as leaders of non-professional training and competitive company that would need today, from ' another no longer sees the school as "the Agency" training and education that perhaps once was. Bottani
probably right when he talks about "flight of teachers' (and not only for staff reductions!) In other areas, to" more attractive job opportunities "... The feeling today," teachers precarious role "for policy which aims at quality, while the continuity that is continually asking for a national policy which is reflected in individual schools, where often, even the leaders, just be careful to respect the "dictates" the government (otherwise penalties ...!), they lose sight of what should be the quality of an organization at the service of those who are citizens of tomorrow.
Proper school policy requires, therefore, the establishment of working groups at local level to design courses and to coordinate activities, resources are not bound to allow training courses for teachers to enable the passing of educational models and techniques and traditional training and adoption strategies, models and professional contributions and adapted to new needs.
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