most likely until next October, the news does not deal with it, but a problem that the policy you decide not to address is the "Italian School".
One problem, regardless of political views, can not be defined as "a social evil from 200 thousand temporary" for a number of reasons. The first should be clean and clear. 200 thousand graduates are not a social evil, are a resource that would be happiness and wealth of many countries, but in Italy that our leaders can not make money. The second is given by spending on Education, Research and Universities. Our leaders complain that more than 80% of the budget of the Ministry in charge if they go over the wages of staff against a European average of 45% of the sector. These leaders, however, is guilty of forgetting to say that we invest in this sector 0.5% of GDP against 1.6% in Spain (in the Great Depression!), 3% Germany 2.6% France and so on Modoc therefore that, even in Italy if you invest the same resources of Spain our relationship budget / salary would be exactly the European average.
But another real problem and we are serious concerns school. From a study by the Italian pedagogical psychology has shown that a student over the compulsory change studies over 70% of teachers and that it is not at all positive , but rather as one of the contributory causes of educational deficits that our students accused than the European average.
What should be done, then a government, to resolve this situation? What to ensure the presence of permanent teachers in every school and continued teaching that follows? The answer is so simple that it seems paradoxical that they have not yet thought of.
The answer is called the National Competition for Chairs . A simple answer, and economic net that would put an end to all controversy as to vacant chairs in front of 60 thousand, 40 thousand of expected retirements in the next installment, and what to put in the group following, a national competition that took into account the previous score and test results that would fill the two existing deficits. In the first instance would solve the problem of classes that suffer the wandering savage, and the alternation of alternates, and the second would, through a ranking certainty who is in a position to enter into certain roles in a number of years and the same certainty to those who are too far away from the possibility of release for the role of having to seek new employment. The application that arises, then, is this: why do not you feel absolutely speak for the Government and Opposition to a National Competition for teaching that puts the hands of all this? Perhaps it is not spoken because we have lost the awareness that each nation lives of its education and culture .
dr. Richard Bean
Association President Culturidea Pistoia
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