Saturday, September 5, 2009

Carmen Electra Chair Dance

It starts ...

Vacation comes to school and all ... ALMOST!
The school year, as proposed in the chaos begins!
In my case: classes still forming, regent known telephone on September 3, (principal of a secondary school, boh!), In short, an organization that is struggling to take off!
fundamental reason?
the community!
Or rather, the lack of communication conducive to construction and not destruction of what is ch!
The dismantling of the public school is now under the for all to see! And the problem had already been plenty of precarious predicted the dawn of the presentation of the "Gelmini & Company." It was pretty obvious that since you do not even know how to put the teachers at the time Indetermiato surplus (remember that there are still many without home!) There would be no places for the entries in either role, nor even for annual appointments!
But then the "logic" (forse!) a BEHALF Education that does not even know what you're talking about, what could we expect?

If it is true that we must touch the bottom and then be traced, I think we're almost there!


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