Friday, April 17, 2009

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Happy Easter everyone! Roses is red

In Christianity, Easter is about joy and victory. But the day of the Resurrection did not begin with shouts of joy. They still could not understand how Jesus was left without resist being caught and crucified, although He had said all this before. And Mary Magdalene, who found a special grace of God as it was very sad. On the first day of the week Welcome to the tomb of Jesus, but he was not there! He wanted to show him her beloved Lord last job, embalm, but was disappointed! No disciples, whom he called in a hurry, did not know what to say. They saw there just canvas. But where was he? You had one? Resurrection morning began with a disappointment for them. Still had not had an encounter with the Risen. Amid questions and nedumeririi, was an undeniable reality: the tomb was empty!
Where was God? The answer they gave the angels: "He is not here but is risen!" They have called Jesus "the living" and were surprised that is searched among the dead. When Jesus Christ was crucified in weakness, and apparently the one who lost the first Or when the biggest triumph. It is He who by His death destroyed him who had the power of death, that is the devil. Death could not keep him on the Conqueror of Calvary! "Jesus lives, He conquered! Who can proclaim the glory? "Blessed are all who can sing with conviction that song of triumph!

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Happy Easter!
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had a wooden cross and a heart of gold. Today we ever gold crosses and wooden hearts. Whether proclaiming the moment, in a voice of resurrection without death of him, and revive our power to love and forgive. Whether Resurrection brings you joy and love in my soul. Happy Easter, with your loved ones! Merry Christmas full of light, serenity, joy and love!


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